Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN2152 .P6 1988 Popular drama in Northern Europe in the later Middle Ages : a symposium / 1
PN2152 .S72 1997 The stage as mirror : civic theatre in late medieval Europe / 2
PN2152 .T9 The theatre in the Middle Ages : Western European stage conditions, c. 800-1576 / 1
PN2152 .W5 1974b The medieval theatre / 1
PN2152 .W5 1987 The medieval theatre / 1
PN2156 European theatre performance practice, 1400-1580 / 1
PN2171 .E37 2003 How the world became a stage : presence, theatricality, and the question of modernity / 1
PN2171 .E37 2003eb How the world became a stage : presence, theatricality, and the question of modernity / 1
PN2171 .F74 2006 Dramatis personae : the rise of medieval and renaissance theatre / 1
PN2171 .F75 La vie théâtrale au temps de la Renaissance. : [Exposition] mars-avril-mai 1963, Institut pédagogique national, Paris. 1
PN2171 .J3 Le lieu théâtral à la Renaissance : Royaumont, 22-27 mars, 1963. Études de S. Anglo ... [et al.] / 1
PN2171 .M463 Mélanges d'histoire du théâtre du Moyen-Age et de la Renaissance : offerts à Gustave Cohen, professeur honoraire en Sorbonne / 1
PN2171 .R4 Renaissance drama. 1
PN2171 .R42 Research opportunities in Renaissance drama : the report of the Modern Language Association conference. 1
PN2171 .R47 Renaissance drama : the report of Conference ... of the ... Meeting of the Modern Language Association.
Research opportunities in medieval and Renaissance drama.
Research on medieval and Renaissance drama : ROMARD.
Research opportunities in Renaissance drama : the report of the Modern Language Association conference.
Opportunities for research in Renaissance drama (exclusive of Shakespeare) : the report of Conference ... of the ... Meeting of the Modern Language Association.
Opportunities for research in Renaissance drama : the report of Conference ... of the ... Meeting of the Modern Language Association.
Renaissance drama.
Renaissance drama, a report on research opportunities.
PN2171 .V5 1984 Renaissance theatre : a historiographical handbook / 1
PN2173 .C65 1986 Comparative critical approaches to Renaissance comedy / 1
PN2173 .M3 Teatro quinhentista nas naus da Índia. 1
PN2174 .A35 1994 Gods of play : baroque festive performances as rhetorical discourse / 1
PN2174 .A35 1994eb Gods of play : baroque festive performances as rhetorical discourse / 1