Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN2570 .E27 2016 | ||
PN2570 .E74 2010eb | Toneelbespiegelingen : inleidingen op drama's uit het wereldrepertoire. | 1 |
PN2570 .E84 1991 | ||
PN2570 .E84 1992 | European theatre 1960-1990 : cross-cultural perspectives / | 1 |
PN2570 .E8422 2014 | European theatre performance practice, 1580-1750 / | 1 |
PN2570 .E8423 2014 | European theatre performance practice, 1750-1900 / | 1 |
PN2570 .E8424 2014 | European theatre performance practice, 1900 to the present / | 1 |
PN2570 .E97 | European stages. | 1 |
PN2570 .F74513 2017 | Independent theatre in contemporary Europe structures - aesthetics - cultural policy / | 2 |
PN2570 .G56 2009 | Global changes--local stages : how theatre functions in smaller European countries / | 1 |
PN2570 .G56 2009eb | Global changes--local stages : how theatre functions in smaller european countries / | 1 |
PN2570 .G58 2013 |
Performing European memories trauma, ethics, politics / Performing European memories : trauma, ethics, politics / |
2 |
PN2570 .H496 2019 | Erfahrung des Unmöglichen Zur Verfassung Eines Theaters Für Europa. | 1 |
PN2570 .J3 1982 | Theater & dance photographs / | 1 |
PN2570 .K37 2007 | Women, medicine and theatre, 1500-1750 : literary mountebanks and performing quacks / | 1 |
PN2570 .K37 2016 | ||
PN2570 .K43 2013 | Theatre and event : staging the European century / | 1 |
PN2570 .K43 2014 | Theatre and event : staging the European century / | 1 |
PN2570 .K55 | Theatergeschichte Europas. | 1 |
PN2570 .K7 1981 | Positionen : Strehler, Planchon, Koun Dario Fo, Långbacka, Stein : Gespräche mit Regisseuren des europäischen Theaters / | 1 |