Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN3185 .C6 The Chorus. 1
PN3185.E65 W35 2022 Citizen artists : a guide to helping young people make plays that change the world / 1
PN3185.S8 D7 Bulletin of the Dramatists' Alliance. 1
PN3185.V3 D3 1943 Dynamo / 1
PN3185.W3 H8 The Penthouse theatre : its history and technique / 1
PN3185.W3 H8 1958 The Penthouse Theatre : its history and technique. 1
PN3191.C5 ebook La traducción en los teatros universitarios en Chile (1941-1990) / 1
PN3191.C7 C3 College plays performed in the University of Cambridge / 1
PN3191.C9 P765 2012 15 let studentského divadla Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity : 1998-2012. 1
PN3191.E5 S34 School-play prepared for, and performed in a private grammar-school in Middlesex, anno 1663. 2
PN3191.G6 M6 The school drama in England / 1
PN3191.G6 R38 2005 Raw talent : fifty years of the NSDF / 1
PN3191.G7 College Plays : Performed in the University of Cambridge / 1
PN3191.G7 O78 1985 OUDS : a centenary history of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, 1885-1985 / 2
PN3191.G7 O8 The Oxford amateurs : a short history of theatricals at the University / 1
PN3191.G7 U553 1983 Footlights! : a hundred years of Cambridge comedy / 1
PN3191.P32 B3 My Panama Canal theatre adventure : the story of fifteen years of drama at the Panama Canal. 1
PN3195 .B7 How to stage a minstrel show ; a manual for the amateur burnt cork director / 1
PN3195 .I58 1996 Inside the minstrel mask : readings in nineteenth-century blackface minstrelsy / 1
PN3195 .P3 1976 "Gentlemen, be seated!" : A parade of the American minstrels / 2