Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN3344 .G613 1975 Towards a sociology of the novel / 1
PN3344 .H8 1987 Xiao shuo she hui xue chu tan / 1
PN3344 .J64 2002 The social impact of the novel : a reference guide / 1
PN3344 .L36 1984 Society in the novel / 2
PN3344 .M6 Novela y semidesarrollo : una interpretación de la novela hispanoamericana y española / 1
PN3344 .P37 1984 The rural novel : Jeremias Gotthelf, Thomas Hardy, C.F. Ramuz / 2
PN3344 .P66 1984 Popular fiction and social change / 1
PN3344 .S6 The novel and society. 1
PN3344 .S9 1975b The novel and revolution / 1
PN3344 .Z4 1976 Roman et société / 1
PN3347 On Making Fiction : Frankenstein and the Life of Stories /
Omissions are not Accidents Modern Apophaticism from Henry James to Jacques Derrida
Fictive narrative philosophy : how fiction can act as philosophy /
Fiktivní a imaginární : perspektivy literární antropologie /
PN3347 .A73 The novel of adultery / 1
PN3347 .B65 2020 The prosthetic imagination : a history of the novel as artificial life / 2
PN3347 .C37 1986 The bounds of reason : Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert / 1
PN3347 .D46 1989 Detotalized totalities : synthesis and disintegration in naturalist, existential, and socialist fiction / 2
PN3347 .F54 1987 Values in selected children's books of fiction and fantasy / 1
PN3347 .G3 Norms for the novel. 1
PN3347 .G7 The moral and the story / 1
PN3347 .I74 1991 Das Fiktive und das Imaginäre : Perspektiven literarischer Anthropologie / 1
PN3347 .I7413 1993 The fictive and the imaginary : charting literary anthropology / 1