Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN3491 .K7 1973 The Tragic Vision The Confrontation of Extremity. 1
PN3491 .L34 1983 Collected essays / 3
PN3491 .L36 1960 The novel and the reader. 1
PN3491 .L4 Symbolism and fiction. 1
PN3491 .M24 Prodromi di narrativa ottocentesca e altri studi / 1
PN3491 .M3 Great novelists and their novels : essays on the ten greatest novels of the world and the men and women who wrote them /
Histoire du roman moderne /
PN3491 .M312 1976 Shi jie shi da xiao shuo jia ji qi dai biao zuo / 1
PN3491 .M315 Geschichte des modernen Romans / 1
PN3491 .M33 Great novelists and their novels : essays on the ten greatest novels of the world and the men and women who wrote them / 1
PN3491 .N358 2007 Naissance du roman moderne : Rabelais, Tiers livre ; Cervantès, Don Quichotte ; Sterne, Tristram Shandy / 1
PN3491 .N4 Der Zufall in der Erzählkunst. 1
PN3491 .O3 The mirror in the roadway : a study of the modern novel / 1
PN3491 .O77 1991 Problems and poetics of the nonaristotelian novel / 1
PN3491 .P37 2015 The novel : a survival skill / 1
PN3491 .P67 Iz zapisok po teorii slovesnosti : poėzi︠i︡a i proza, Tropy i figury, Myshlenie poeticheskoe i mificheskoe, Prilozheni︠i︡a / 1
PN3491 .P67 1905a Iz zapisok po teorii slovesnosti. : Poezi︠i︡a i proza. Tropy i figury. Myshlenie poeticheskoe i mificheskoe. Prilozheni︠i︡a / 1
PN3491 .R39 2007 Remapping the rise of the European novel / 1
PN3491 .R43 An exemplary history of the novel : the Quixotic versus the picaresque / 2
PN3491 .R45 2004 Reinventions of the novel : histories and aesthetics of a protean genre / 1
PN3491 .S28 La infancia recuperada / 1