Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN4749 .S24 The press and the public : the journalist's dilemma / 1
PN4749 .S38 2012 The sociology of news / 1
PN4749 .S6 1990 Social conflict and television news / 1
PN4749 .S64 1997 Social meanings of news : a text-reader / 1
PN4749 .S8 1985 Newspaper use and community ties : toward a dynamic theory / 1
PN4749 .S86 1989 How do journalists think? : a proposal for the study of cognitive bias in newsmaking / 1
PN4749 .T384 2015 Souvenirs de journalisme : Autobiographie. 1
PN4749.T53 E96 2004eb Exposes and excess : muckraking in America, 1900/2000 / 2
PN4749 .V55 2006 Periodismo cultural en tiempos de la globalifobia / 1
PN4749 ebook Desafíos del periodismo en la sociedad del conocimiento
Mapeando la comunicación comunitaria : cartografía de la información, de experiencias de comunicación y de liderazgos comunitarios en Cali-Colombia /
Periodismo cool /
Campo Elías Romero Fuenmayor : textos escogidos (1976-2001) /
PN4751 Normative theories of the media : journalism in democratic societies /
The media, journalism and democracy
How political actors use the media : a functional analysis of the media's role in politics /
Matrix activism : global practices of resistance /
Periodismo de frontera en América Latina Violencias y desigualdades múltiples.
Four theories of the press : 60 years and counting /
Journalist safety and self-censorship /
Crisscrossing communication research : historical context and global perspective /
Journalism and the future of democracy
Fayke Newes: The Media vs the Mighty, From Henry VIII to Donald Trump.
Authoritarian populism and the challenges for news journalism : a discourse approach /
PN4751 .A57 2013eb Political journalism in comparative perspective / 1
PN4751 .A57 2014 Political journalism in comparative perspective / 1
PN4751 .A73 2017 Matrix activism : global practices of resistance / 1
PN4751 .A8 Attacks on the press / 1
PN4751 .A85 2010 Explaining news : national politics and journalistic cultures in global context / 1
PN4751 .A85 2010eb Explaining news national politics and journalistic cultures in global context / 1
PN4751 .A88 2011 Attacks on the press in 2010 : a worldwide survey by the committee to protect journalists / 1
PN4751 .A88 2012 Attacks on the Press : Journalism on the World's Front Lines. 1
PN4751 .C26 2005 Apprehending politics : news media and individual political development / 1