Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN471 .W76 2000 Writing women across borders and categories / 1
PN472 .A98 2018 Autoportraits, autofictions de femmes à l'époque moderne : savoirs et fabrique d'identité / 1
PN472 .D5 1981 L'Ecriture-femme / 1
PN473 .F72 1999 Frauen, Literatur, Geschichte : schreibende Frauen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart / 1
PN473 .G48 1995 Geschriebenes Leben : Autobiographik von Frauen / 1
PN473 .H5918 El hombre en la literatura de la mujer / 1
PN473 .L58 1996 Literatur und Leben : Stationen weiblichen Schreibens im 20. Jahrhundert / 1
PN473 .P46 2012 Early modern women's writing and the rhetoric of modesty 1
PN473 .S35 1991 Frauenliteratur / 1
PN474.O62 The SAGE handbook of digital journalism / 2
PN479 Women writing socially in academia : dispatches from writing rooms /
The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back : Gender, Identity and Nation in the Literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines /
Women writers and experimental narratives : early modern to contemporary /
Women writing race, nation, and history : N/native /
Community boundaries and border crossings : critical essays on ethnic women writers /
PN479 .B56513 2007 Women who write / 1
PN479 .C3 1979 Mujer que sabe latin / 1
PN479 .C65 1999 Confessional politics : women's sexual self-representations in life writing and popular media / 2
PN479 .D66 1988 Donne e scrittura / 1
PN479 .E82 1992 Escritoras y escritura / 1
PN479 .F37 2008 Tutte signore di mio gusto : profili di scrittrici contemporanee / 1
PN479 .J49 2010 Jewish women writers : Emma Goldman, Naomi Wolf, Kathy Acker, Gertrude Stein, Edna Ferber, Hannah Arendt, Adrienne Rich, Alice B. Toklas, Judy Blume, Rebecca Gratz, Emma Lazarus, Rona Jaffe, Anne Frank, Betty Friedan, Susan Sontag, Nadine Gordimer, Clarice Lispector, Anzia Yezierska, Leslie Cagan, jacqueline Susann. 1
PN479 .K57 2021 Migrant masculinities in women's writing : (in)hospitality, community, vulnerability / 1
PN479 .M34 1987 La mujer en la literatura / 1