Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN493/e Historia de la prensa en Iberoamérica / 1
PN494 .A38 2013 The rise of prison literature in the sixteenth century / 1
PN494 .A38 2013eb The rise of prison literature in the sixteenth century / 2
PN494 .D38 1990 Writers in prison / 1
PN494 .E27 2019 Écrits, images et pensées de prison : expériences de l'incarcération / 1
PN494 .G74 2015 Great books written in prison : essays on classic works from Plato to Martin Luther King, Jr. / 1
PN494 .H37 1992 Barred : women, writing, and political detention / 2
PN494 .P86 2014 Prison narratives from Boethius to Zana / 1
PN494 .P88 2021 Prison writing and the literary world : imprisonment, institutionality and questions of literary practice / 1
PN494.5 .B47 2023 Psychoanalytic memoirs / 1
PN495 Placeless people : writings, rights, and refugees /
Travel, modernism and modernity /
PN495 .B67 2011 One-way tickets : writers and the culture of exile / 1
PN495 .D53 2002 Diaspore europee & lettere migranti : primo Festival europeo degli scrittori migranti, Roma, giugno 2002 / 1
PN495 .E83 2005 Escritoras españolas e hispanoamericanas en el exilio / 1
PN495 .E95 2010 Exile and the narrative/poetic imagination / 1
PN495 .F46 2010 Femmes et exils : formes et figures / 1
PN495 .K58 1991 Exile and the writer : exoteric and esoteric experiences : a Jungian approach / 1
PN495 .L38 1983 Latin America and the literature of exile : a comparative view of the 20th-century European refugee writers in the New World / 1
PN495 .L43 1991 Literary exile in the twentieth century : an analysis and biographical dictionary / 1
PN495 .L44 1990 Literature and exile / 1