Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN5366.T328 A3 1998 Wo zuan jin le jin zi ta / 1
PN5366.T45 A2 1986 Deng Tuo wen ji. 1
PN5366.T45 C44 1997 Propaganda and culture in Mao's China : Deng Tuo and the intelligentsia / 1
PN5366.T84 G48 Between America and Russia : Chinese student Radicalism and the travel books of Tsou T'ao-Fen 1933-1937 / 1
PN5366.T86 T8 1991 Shi yu fei : dui wo man chang ji zhe sheng ya de fan si / 1
PN5366.W27 L53 2001 Wang Kangnian : cong min quan lun dao wen hua bao shou zhu yi / 1
PN5366.Y86 K8 1996 Qi cai qi wen qi an : Yun Yiqun zhuan / 1
PN5367.C57 L664 2013 Xin wen chuan bo yu jin dai xiao shuo zhi zhuan xing / 1
PN5367.E64 C55 2022 2020 press conference records of Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the People's Republic of China / 1
PN5367.E87 Z43 2011 News media and EU-China relations /
News media and EU-China relations
PN5367.F45 K36 2013 Wan Qing bao kan shang de fan yi xiao shuo / 1
PN5367.F62 E57 2009 Cosmopolitan publics : Anglophone print culture in semi-colonial Shanghai / 1
PN5367.F62 E57 2009eb Cosmopolitan publics : Anglophone print culture in semi-colonial Shanghai / 2
PN5367.F67 Reporting China on the Rise : Habitus and Prisms of China Correspondents. 2
PN5367.I44 C44 2008 Zuo tu you shi yu xi xue dong jian : wan Qing hua bao yan jiu / 1
PN5367.I58 C45 2014eb Chinese Investigative Journalists' Dreams : Autonomy, Agency, and Voice. 1
PN5367.I58 I58 2010 Investigative journalism in China : eight cases in Chinese watchdog journalism / 1
PN5367.I58 W36 2016 The transformation of investigative journalism in China : from journalists to activists / 2
PN5367.M46 R36 2021 Reporting mental illness in China / 1
PN5367.P4 P47 2015 Zhongguo hua bao hua kan : 1872-1949 / 1