Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.C612 C36 2022 The Cambridge companion to literature and climate / 1
PN56.C612 C545 2019 Climate and literature / 2
PN56.C612 C55 1995 Climate and literature : reflections of environment / 1
PN56.C612 C66 2015 Du souffle dans les mots : trente écrivains s'engagent pour le climat / 1
PN56.C612 E94 2007 L'événement climatique et ses représentations : XVIIe-XIXe siècle : histoire, littérature, musique et peinture / 1
PN56.C612 G48 2016 The great derangement : climate change and the unthinkable / 1
PN56.C612 L43 2022 Climate change, interrupted : representation and the remaking of time / 1
PN56.C612 P67 2021 Climate change, ecological catastrophe, and the contemporary postcolonial novel / 1
PN56.C612 S664 2022 Climate lyricism / 2
PN56.C618 Literature and cultural memory / 1
PN56.C618 ebook Transiciones, memorias e identidades en Europa y América Latina
Transiciones, memorias e identidades en Europa y América Latina.
PN56.C618 H37 2017 Sharing common ground : a space for ethics / 1
PN56.C618 J378 2021 Decolonizing memory : Algeria and the politics of testimony / 2
PN56.C618 M46 2017 Memory as colonial capital : cross-cultural encounters in French and English / 1
PN56.C618 T35 2013 Transiciones, memorias e identidades en Europa y América Latina / 1
PN56.C63 Images of imperial rule /
Unsettling Stories : Settler Postcolonialism and the Short Story Composite.
PN56.C63 A76 2009 For the record : on sexuality and the colonial archive in India /
For the record on sexuality and the colonial archive in India /
PN56.C63 B654 2008 Friends and enemies : the scribal politics of post/colonial literature / 1
PN56.C63 C36 2004 The Cambridge companion to postcolonial literary studies / 1
PN56.C63 C55 2021 La carte et le territoire colonial : 15 études sur la poétique de l'espace (post)colonial / 1