Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.C63 C36 2004 The Cambridge companion to postcolonial literary studies / 1
PN56.C63 C55 2021 La carte et le territoire colonial : 15 études sur la poétique de l'espace (post)colonial / 1
PN56.C63 C65 1994 Colonial discourse, postcolonial theory / 1
PN56.C63 C656 2014 Colonial Girlhood in Literature, Culture and History, 1840-1950 /
Colonial girlhood in literature, culture and history, 1840-1950 /
PN56.C63 C66 2000 Comparing postcolonial literatures : dislocations / 1
PN56.C63 D53 2013 Diasporic identities and empire : cultural contentions and literary landscapes / 1
PN56.C63 E74 2002 Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der literaturwissenschaftlichen Motiv- und Themenforschung : Bericht über Kolloquien der Kommission für literaturwissenschaftliche Motiv- und Themenforschung 1998-2000 / 1
PN56.C63 E87 1984 Europe and its others : proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, July 1984 / 1
PN56.C63 E87 2009eb Shared waters : soundings in postcolonial literatures / 1
PN56.C63 H36 2011 On representation : Deleuze and Coetzee on the colonized subject / 1
PN56.C63 H57 2008 A historical companion to postcolonial literatures : continental Europe and its empires / 1
PN56.C63 H58 2010 The long space : transnationalism and postcolonial form / 1
PN56.C63 H84 2008 Interdisciplinary measures : literature and the future of postcolonial studies / 1
PN56.C63 H84 2008eb Interdisciplinary measures : literature and the future of postcolonial studies / 2
PN56.C63 K98 2010 Unsettling stories : settler postcolonialism and the short story composite / 1
PN56.C63 L58 1999 Littératures et temps colonial : Métamorphoses du regard sur la Méditerranée et l'Afrique : actes du colloque d'Aix-en-Provence, 7-8 avril 1997, Centre des Archives d'Outre-Mer / 1
PN56.C63 O64 1995 Order and partialities : theory, pedagogy, and the "postcolonial" / 1
PN56.C63 P67 1995 Postcolonial discourse and changing cultural contexts : theory and criticism / 1
PN56.C63 P67 1995eb Postcolonial discourse and changing cultural contexts : theory and criticism / 1
PN56.C63 P67 2004 Postcolonial subjects : Canadian and Australian perspectives / 1