Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.C66 T47 1984 The Terrain of comedy / 1
PN56.C662 M43 2009 The medium is the maker : Browning, Freud, Derrida and the new telepathic ecotechnologies / 1
PN56.C6622 C66 2016eb The common growl : toward a poetics of precarious community / 1
PN56.C6624 K45 2000 Beloved communities : solidarity and difference in fiction by Michael Ondaatje, Toni Morrison, and Joy Kogawa / 1
PN56.C6625 R66 2018 Complaint : grievance among friends / 1
PN56.C6625 R66 2018eb Complaint : grievance among friends / 1
PN56.C663 B37 2014 Der Holocaust in der literarischen Erinnerung : autobiografische Aufzeichnungen von Udo Dietmar und Elie Wiesel / 1
PN56.C663 ebook La zona gris imposibilidad de juicios y una nueva ética / 1
PN56.C663 N37 2019 Narratives of annihilation, confinement, and survival : camp literature in a transnational perspective / 1
PN56.C663 P365 2019 Paroles spectrales, lectures hantées : médiation et transmission dans le témoignage concentrationnaire / 1
PN56.C663 S78 2000 Der Sturz des Mächtigen : zu Struktur, Funktion und Geschichte eines literarischen Motivs : Bericht über Kolloquien der Kommission für literaturwissenschaftliche Motiv- und Themenforschung 1995-1998 / 1
PN56.C663 T65 2019 Gulag literature and the literature of Nazi camps : an intercontexual reading / 1
PN56.C67 B76 2000 Troubling confessions : speaking guilt in law & literature / 2
PN56.C67 K76 2010 Male confessions : intimate revelations and the religious imagination / 1
PN56.C67 S63 1996 Confession in the novel : Bakhtin's author revisited / 1
PN56.C67 S95 2018eb God and self in the confessional novel / 1
PN56.C67 T36 1990 Confession : sexuality, sin, the subject / 1
PN56.C67 Z34 1988 La confesión : género literario / 1
PN56.C672 T49 2013eb Thinking and Practicing Reconciliation : Teaching and Learning through Literary Responses to Conflict. 1
PN56.C675 P54 2007 Teoría del complot / 1