Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.E78 A54 1987 Die Andere Welt : Studien zum Exotismus / 1
PN56.E78 E18 2000 East of West : cross-cultural performance and the staging of difference / 1
PN56.E78 L67 2018 Ausgezeichnet - gezeichnet : neue Formen des Exotismus in der zeitgenössischen deutschsprachigen Literatur / 1
PN56.E78 O7513 2006 Obsolete objects in the literary imagination : ruins, relics, rarities, rubbish, uninhabited places, and hidden treasures / 1
PN56.E78 O7513 2006eb Obsolete objects in the literary imagination : ruins, relics, rarities, rubbish, uninhabited places, and hidden treasures /
Obsolete Objects in the Literary Imagination : Ruins, Relics, Rarities, Rubbish, Uninhabited Places, and Hidden Treasures /
PN56.E78 O753 2011 Les Objets désuets dans l'imagination littéraire - Ruines, reliques, raretés, rebuts, lieux inhabités et trésors cachés 1
PN56.E78 R47 2019 Representing the exotic and the familiar : politics and perception in literature / 1
PN56.E85 M37 2023 Novels by aliens : weird tales and the twenty-first century / 2
PN56 .E86 2008 El espacio textual : entre literatura, psicoanálisis y filosofía / 1
PN56.F24 Face forms in life-writing of the interwar years / 1
PN56.F24 S89 2016 Kao no hakudatsu : bungaku kara "tasha no ayausa" o yomu / 1
PN56.F27 Failure: The Humble Narrative of Unsuccessfulness in Late Modernist Fiction : British, Irish and Postcolonial Novels and Stories / 1
PN56.F27 ebook Anotaciones para una teoría del fracaso 1
PN56.F29 J34 1993 The tempter's voice : language and the fall in medieval literature / 1
PN56.F29 O8 1982 After innocence : visions of the Fall in modern literature / 2
PN56.F3 Populating the Future : Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction / 1
PN56.F3 F35 1996 Familienbindung als Schicksal : Wandlungen eines Motivbereichs in der neueren Literatur : Bericht über Kolloquien der Kommission für Literaturwissenschaftliche Motiv- und Themenforschung 1991-1994 / 1
PN56.F3 .M46 2003  
PN56.F3 M46 2003 Mending the world : stories of family by contemporary black writers / 1
PN56.F3 O88 2013 Ungebetene Hinterlassenschaften : zur literarischen Imagination über das familiäre Nachleben des Nationalsozialismus / 1