Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.S67 Guerra civil y producción cultural : teatro, poesía, narrativa:. 1
PN56.S67 B4 Writers in arms : the literary impact of the Spanish Civil War / 1
PN56.S67 ebook La llamada de España : escritores extranjeros en la Guerra Civil / 1
PN56.S67 G47 1992 German and international perspectives on the Spanish Civil War : the aesthetics of partisanship / 1
PN56.S67 R42 1982 Red flags, black flags : critical essays on the literature of the Spanish Civil War / 1
PN56.S67 R48 1989 Rewriting the good fight : critical essays on the literature of the Spanish Civil War / 2
PN56.S68 B4 The heart of Spain ; anthology of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. 1
PN56.S685 E25 2013eb Dysfluencies : On Speech Disorders in Modern Literature / 1
PN56.S685 L58 2014 Literature, Speech Disorders, and Disability.
Literature, speech disorders, and disability : talking normal /
PN56.S685 L58 2014eb Literature, speech disorders, and disability : talking normal / 1
PN56.S697 S76 1989 The flutes of Dionysus : daemonic enthrallment in literature / 2
PN56.S7 D8 Du spirituel dans l'ordre littéraire / 1
PN56.S7 F44 1945 O escândalo do espírito / 1
PN56.S7 H84 2011 A more beautiful question : the spiritual in poetry and art / 2
PN56.S7 H84 2011eb A more beautiful question : the spiritual in poetry and art / 1
PN56.S7 M35 1997 Consciousness, literature, and theatre : theory and beyond / 1
PN56.S7 N86 2000 "Nun breche ich in Stücke--" : Leben, Schreiben, Suizid : über Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Marina Zwetajewa, Anne Sexton, Unica Zürn, Inge Müller / 1
PN56.S7 T48 2004 Things of the spirit : women writers constructing spirituality / 1
PN56.S73 A73 Aethlon : the journal of sports literature.
PN56.S73 S65 1998 Spiritualités d'un monde désenchanté : actes du colloque "Spiritualité profane et spiritualité religieuse", organisé les 6 et 7 mars 1997 par le groupe de recherche "XIXe-XXe siècles : art et littérature" / 1