Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN56.T7 T74 2013 Travels and Translations : Anglo-Italian cultural transactions / 1
PN56.T7 T767 2013 Tropes du voyage - les rencontres. 1
PN56.T7 V53 2018 Viaje, exilio y migración : miradas desde la literatura, la cultura y las ciencias sociales / 1
PN56.T7 V68 2008 Le voyage au féminin : perspectives historiques et littéraires, XVIIIe-XXe siècles / 1
PN56.T7 W535 2011 Travel : a literary history / 1
PN56.T7 W58 2022eb Interwar itineraries : authenticity in Anglophone and French travel writing / 2
PN56.T7 W65 2013 Fortuna di mare : Literatur und Seefahrt / 1
PN56.T7 W75 2008 Writing travel : the poetics and politics of the modern journey / 1
PN56.T7 W75 2008eb Writing travel : the poetics and politics of the modern journey /
Writing Travel : the Poetics and Politics of the Modern Journey /
PN56.T72 M3 2020 Reading old books : writing with traditions / 1
PN56.T76 The epic cycle : a commentary on the lost Troy epics / 1
PN56.T76 F36 2004 Fantasies of Troy : classical tales and the social imaginary in medieval and early modern Europe / 1
PN56.T76 T46 2004 The Trojan War : literature and legends from the Bronze Age to the present / 1
PN56.T76 T7 2015 The Trojan Wars and the making of the modern world / 1
PN56.T77 J67 1999 On trust : art and the temptations of suspicion / 1
PN56.T78 F54 2018 Figures littéraires du mensonge / 1
PN56.T78 F73 2019 Multiple narratives, versions and truth in the contemporary novel / 1
PN56.T78 F73 2019eb Multiple narratives, versions and truth in the contemporary novel / 1
PN56.T78 N37 2021 Narrative truthiness : the logic of complex truth in hybrid (non)fiction / 1
PN56.T8 E148 2003 Sweet violence : the idea of the tragic / 1