PN57.D7 J32 1989
Don Juan heute : die Don Juan-Figur im Drama des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts : Mythos und Konfiguration / |
1 |
PN57.D7 L38 2004
La metamorfosis del seductor : ensayo sobre el mito de Don Juan / |
1 |
PN57.D7 M25
The double invitation in the legend of Don Juan / |
1 |
PN57.D7 M3 1893a
Don Juan et la critique espagnole / |
1 |
PN57.D7 M33 1992
Don Juan and the point of honor : seduction, patriarchal society, and literary tradition / |
2 |
PN57.D7 M35 1942
Don Juan : ensayos sobre el orígen de su leyenda / |
1 |
PN57.D7 M35y 1946
Don Juan : ensayos sobre el origen de su leyenda. |
1 |
PN57.D7 M355
Don Juan : Legende und Wirklichkeit / |
1 |
PN57.D7 M57 2009
Don Juan diabolus in scriptura : roman, autobiographie, thanatographie (1800-2000) / |
1 |
PN57.D7 P37 2001
Fantasía y razón moderna : Don Quijote, Odiseo y Fausto / |
1 |
PN57.D7 R3313 2001
Don Juan's wager / |
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PN57.D7 R58
O mito de Don Juan e o Donjuanismo em Portugal / |
1 |
PN57.D7 R6
Le mythe de Don Juan / |
1 |
PN57.D7 S25 1946
La leyenda de Don Juan : orígenes poéticos de "El burlador de Sevilla" y "Convidado de piedra" / |
1 |
PN57.D7 S3
Don Juan Tenorio y donjuanismo. |
1 |
PN57.D7 S36
Le cas Don Juan. |
1 |
PN57.D7 S43 1988
A Sedução e suas máscaras : ensaios sobre Don Juan / |
1 |
PN57.D7 S44 2000
Selected interdisciplinary essays on the representation of the Don Juan archetype in myth and culture / |
1 |
PN57.D7 S45 1924
La légende de Don Juan / |
1 |
PN57.D7 S46
Don Juan : mythe et réalité / |
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