Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN6071.F25 U54 1982 Unicorns! / 1
PN6071.F25 U54 v.2 Unicorns II / 1
PN6071.F25 W34 1944 Six novels of the supernatural / 1
PN6071.F25 W341 Weird heroes. 1
PN6071.F25 W58 1984 Witches / 1
PN6071.F25 W59 1984 Wizards / 1
PN6071.F25 Y4 The Year's best fantasy stories. 1
PN6071.F3 G66 1993 A Good man : fathers and sons in poetry and prose / 2
PN6071.F33 Faust Adaptations from Marlowe to Aboudoma and Markland. 1
PN6071.F33 F25 2016 Faust adaptations from Marlowe to Aboudoma and Markland / 1
PN6071.F33 F34 Die Faustdichtung vor, neben und nach Goethe / 1
PN6071.F33 F58 2012 Goethe's Faust and cultural memory : comparatist interfaces / 1
PN6071.F33 F58 2012eb Goethe's Faust and cultural memory : comparatist interfaces / 1
PN6071.F33 I58 2008 International Faust studies : adaptation, reception, translation / 1
PN6071.F33 I58 2008eb International Faust studies : adaptation, reception, translation / 1
PN6071.F33 L58 2008 Lives of Faust : the Faust theme in literature and music : a reader / 1
PN6071.F47 T54 2007eb Tight lines : ten years of the Yale anglers' journal / 1
PN6071.F48 R6 1941 The poetry of flight : an anthology / 1
PN6071.F5 S43 1995 The language of flowers : a history / 1
PN6071.F6 E35 2022 The Edinburgh companion to vegan literary studies / 1