Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN6269 .H4 Herakleitos & Diogenes / 2
PN6269 .L39 1994 John Laws' book of irreverent logic. 1
PN6269 .L94 1998 Apophthegmata et son annotation manuscrite / 1
PN6269 .T67 1992 Dizionario delle sentenze latine e greche : 10.000 citazioni dall'Antichità al Rinascimento nell'originale e in traduzione con commento storico, letterario e filologico / 1
PN6269 ebook 55, 99, y Calasso en México /
Sófos : (mayéuticas para la historia de la filosofía) /
PN6270 Here begynneth the recule of prety co[n]ceytes, &c. many propre knackes, taken out of Laten, ytalyen Frenche, Duche, and Englysshe, to repast the myndes of them that loue newe fangles. 1
PN6270 .A6 1683 The Apophthegmes of the ancients taken out of Plutarch, Diogenes Laertius, Elian, Atheneus, Stobeus, Macrobius and others : collected into one volume for the benefit and pleasure of the ingenious. 1
PN6270 .B32 A collection of apophthegms, new and old 2
PN6270 .B4 1956 French wit and wisdom / 1
PN6270.C5 C53 1657 Cheap riches, or, A pocket companion made of five hundred proverbial aphorismes &c. as appeares in the next ensuing page : whereunto are added, about three hundred Scriptures ... / 2
PN6270 .C58 1657 Cheap riches, or, A pocket-companion made of five hundred proverbial aphorismes &c as the next ensuinge page will more particularly notifie /
Cheap riches, or, A pocket-companion made of five hundred proverbial aphorismes &c. as the next ensuinge page will more particularly notifie /
PN6270.C58 M67 1660 More cheap riches, or, Heavenly aphorismes viz. a third, or rather true first part of the pocket companion compleated : being 300 golden sayings more / 2
PN6270 (INTERNET) The Apophthegmes of the ancients taken out of Plutarch, Diogenes Laertius, Elian, Atheneus, Stobeus, Macrobius and others : collected into one volume for the benefit and pleasure of the ingenious.
Aphorismes ciuill and militarie amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historie, out of the first quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine.
The second booke of the Garden of wysedome wherin are conteyned wytty, pleasaunt, and nette sayenges of renowmed personages /
The rich cabinet furnished with varietie of excellent discriptions, exquisite charracters, witty discourses, and delightfull histories, deuine and morrall. Together with inuectiues against many abuses of the time: digested alphabetically into common places. Wherevnto is annexed the epitome of good manners, exttracted from Mr. Iohn de la Casa, Arch-bishop of Beneuenta.
VVits labyrinth, or, A briefe and compendious abstract of most witty, ingenious, wise, and learned sentences and phrases together with some hundreds of most pithy, facetious and patheticall complementall expressions /
A collection of apophthegms, new and old
The garden of wysdom wherin ye maye gather moste pleasaunt flowres, that is to say, proper wytty and quycke sayenges of princes, philosophers, and dyuers other sortes of men /
PN6270 .N3 1650 Politeuphuia, wits common-wealth 1
PN6270 .P37 1572 An extracte of examples, apothegmes, and histories 1
PN6270.P65 1626 Politeuphuia. Wits common-wealth. 1
PN6270 .P65 1688 Politeuphuia wits common-wealth. 2
PN6270 .T38 The garden of wysdome conteynynge pleasaunte floures, that is to saye, propre and quicke sayinges of prĩces, pilosophers [sic] and other sortes of men. / 1
PN6270 .T38 1556 The second booke of the Garden of wysedome, wherin are conteyned wyttye, pleasaunte, and nette sayinges of renoumed [sic] personages / 1
PN6271 A sociobiology compendium : aphorisms, sayings, asides /
The Humid Condition.
La actualidad del hermetismo el Mensaje de Louis Cattiaux.
A theory of the aphorism : from Confucius to Twitter /