Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN682.C53 C45 2018 Chivalry, the Mediterranean, and the Crown of Aragon / 1
PN682.C53 M63 1998 Modern retellings of chivalric texts / 1
PN682.C538 S77 2021 Form and foreskin : medieval narratives of circumcision / 1
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PN682.C544 H69 2007eb Claustrophilia the erotics of enclosure in medieval literature /
Claustrophilia : the erotics of enclosure in medieval literature /
PN682.C545 H69 2007 Claustrophilia : the erotics of enclosure in medieval literature / 1
PN682.C55 V47 Versions of medieval comedy / 2
PN682.C58 R66 1997 Space to speke : the confessional subject in medieval literature / 1
PN682.C6 A45 2008 Lacan e l'amore cortese / 1
PN682.C6 B35 2010 Aventure et discours dans l'amour courtois / 1
PN682.C6 C44 1998 Chevaliers errants, demoiselles et l'Autre : höfische und nachhöfische Literatur im europäischen Mittelalter : Festschrift für Xenja von Ertzdorff zum 65. Geburstag / 1
PN682.C6 E9 The Expansion and transformations of courtly literature / 2
PN682.C6 F47 In pursuit of perfection : courtly love in medieval literature / 1
PN682.C6 I58 1990 Courtly literature : culture and context ; selected papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, the Netherlands, 9-16 August, 1986 / 1
PN682.C6 I58 1992 Literary aspects of courtly culture : selected papers from the Seventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 27 July-1 August 1992 / 1
PN682.C6 I58 1995 The court and cultural diversity : selected papers from the Eighth triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, the Queen's University of Belfast, 26 July-1 August 1995 / 1
PN682.C6 I58 2003 The court reconvenes : courtly literature across the disciplines : selected papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbia, 25-31 July, 1998 / 1
PN682.C6 I58 2003eb The court reconvenes : courtly literature across the disciplines : selected papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbia, 25-31 July, 1998 / 1
PN682.C6 K39 2001 Courtly contradictions : the emergence of the literary object in the twelfth century / 1
PN682.C6 L44 2017 The legacy of courtly literature : from Medieval to contemporary culture / 1