Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN741 .H3 | The later renaissance / | 1 |
PN741 .H3 1964 | The later Renaissance. | 1 |
PN741 .H78 1998 | Chinesia : the European construction of China in the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries / | 1 |
PN741 .H78 1998eb | Chinesia : the European construction of China in the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries / | 1 |
PN741 .I43 1995 | The image of the Baroque / | 2 |
PN741 .J64 2010 | Hyperboles : the rhetoric of excess in Baroque literature and thought / | 1 |
PN741 .M3 | Renaissance and revolution : backgrounds to seventeenth-century English literature. | 1 |
PN741 .M66 1992 | Terms of response : language and audience in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century theory / | 1 |
PN741 .S39 2016 | Seventeenth-century fiction : text and transmission / | 1 |
PN741 .S4 |
Seventeenth century news. Seventeenth century news Seventeenth century studies presented to Sir Herbert Grierson / |
3 |
PN741 .S4 1967 | Seventeenth century studies presented to Sir Herbert Grierson. | 1 |
PN741 .W3 | Versions of baroque : European literature in the seventeenth century / | 1 |
PN743 .C33 no.96 | Les intraduisibles du vocabulaire critique : (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle) / | 1 |
PN743 .C33 no.103 | La Mesnardière, un lettré de cour au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
PN743 .C38 2002 | Dis/simulations : Jules-César Vanini, François La Mothe Le Vayer, Gabriel Naudé, Louis Machon et Torquato Accetto : religion, morale et politique au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
PN743 .F455 2002 | La femme au XVIIe siècle : actes du colloque de Vancouver, University of British Columbia, 5-7 octobre 2000 / | 1 |
PN743 .L57 no.12 | La Voix au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
PN743 .L57 no.13 | La traduction au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
PN743 .L57 no.14 | Enfance et littérature au XVIIe siècle / | 1 |
PN743 .L57 no.15 | Romanciers du XVIIe siècle / | 1 |