Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN761 .P38 1986 On poets and others / 1
PN761 .P55 International minds and the search for the restful / 1
PN761 .P7 1979 The myth makers : literary essays /
The mythmakers : literary essays /
PN761 .R26 Literature and the sixth sense. 1
PN761 .R26 1970 Literature and the sixth sense / 1
PN761 .R37 1984 Il naufragio della ragione : saggi / 1
PN761 .R47 1999 Resonant themes : literature, history, and the arts in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe : essays in honor of Victor Brombert / 2
PN761 .R56 1992 The smell of books : a cultural-historical study of olfactory perception in literature / 1
PN761 .R6 1968 Four in exile : critical essays on Leopardi, Hans C. Andersen, Christina Rossetti, A. E. Housman / 1
PN761 .R66 2010 Romanticism and the Anglo-Hispanic imaginary / 1
PN761 .R66 2010eb Romanticism and the Anglo-Hispanic imaginary / 1
PN761 .R87 1985 Poets, prophets, and revolutionaries : the literary avant-garde from Rimbaud through postmodernism / 2
PN761 .S28 1993 Culture and imperialism / 1
PN761 .S28 1994 Culture and imperialism / 1
PN761 .S35 Modernism and romance / 1
PN761 .S43 1973 Funk & Wagnalls Guide to modern world literature. 2
PN761 .S5 Critical woodcuts / 1
PN761 .S65 1998 Literary culture and the Pacific : nineteenth-century textual encounters / 2
PN761 .S66 2018 The melancholic gaze / 1
PN761 .S95 1982 The Symbolist movement in the literature of European languages / 1