Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN921 .G7 Literature among the primitives. 1
PN921 .L5 El cuento popular hispano-americano y la literatura. 1
PN921 .L8 Volksmärchen und Volkssage : zwei Grundformen erzählender Dichtung. 1
PN921 .S73 1989 Literary folkloristics and the personal narrative /
Literary folkloristics and the personal narrative
PN931 .C5 1968 Popular tales and fictions : their migrations and transformations. 1
PN931 .C62 1887 Popular tales and fictions : their migrations and transformations / 1
PN931 .K4 Tales and popular fictions : their resemblance, and transmission from country to country / 1
PN931 .Z55 1957 The king and the corpse : tales of the soul's conquest of evil / 1
PN934 .B3 Formen der "Volkspoesie." 1
PN936 .F74 1991 Den gröna eken : folksagestudier / 1
PN943 .T91 v.59 Twentieth century interpretations of Major Barbara; a collection of critical essays, 1
PN945 .A42 Prin︠t︡sipy tekstologicheskogo izucheni︠i︡a folʹklora : [sbornik stateĭ / 1
PN945 .L8 Volksliteratur und Hochliteratur. : Menschenbild--Thematik-- Formstreben. 1
PN945 .P614 1965 El cuento folklórico. : (Como tema de estudio) / 1
PN970 .O85 1995 The other print tradition : essays on chapbooks, broadsides, and related ephemera / 1
PN980.A2 N4 1895A Fables and fabulists: ancient and modern / 1
PN980 .A9 1979 Contes et fables : étude et compréhension / 1
PN980 .B56 1985 The fable as literature / 1
PN980 .C646 2000 Die Gattung Fabel : Infrastrukturen einer Kommunikationsform / 1
PN980 .D53 1994 Heinrich Steinhöwels "Esopus" und seine Fortsetzer. 1