Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN98.P75 K64 1996 Striking at the joints : contemporary psychology and literary criticism / 1
PN98.P75 L38 1990 Jacques Lacan / 1
PN98.P75 L38 1991 Jacques Lacan / 1
PN98.P75 L4 Anleitung zur empirischen Hermeneutik : psychoanalytische Textinterpretation als sozialwissenschaftliches Verfahren / 1
PN98.P75 L5 Literary criticism and psychology / 1
PN98.P75 M3 1986 Figuring Lacan : criticism and the cultural unconscious / 1
PN98.P75 .M3 2014eb Figuring Lacan : criticism and the cultural unconscious / 1
PN98.P75 M64 1990 Modernism and the European unconscious / 1
PN98.P75 M67 1985 The (M)other tongue : essays in feminist psychoanalytic interpretation / 2
PN98.P75 P64 2004 Post-Jungian criticism : theory and practice / 1
PN98.P75 P64 2004eb Post-Jungian criticism : theory and practice / 2
PN98.P75 P67 The Practice of psychoanalytic criticism /
The practice of psychoanalytic criticism /
PN98.P75 P68 Psychoanalytische Literaturkritik / 1
PN98.P75 P748 Psychoanalytische Literaturinterpretation : aufsätze aus "Imago, Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften" (1912-1937) / 1
PN98.P75 R69 1999 C.G. Jung and literary theory : the challenge from fiction / 1
PN98.P75 R693 2012 The ecocritical psyche : literature, evolutionary complexity and Jung /
The Ecocritical Psyche : Literature, Evolutionary Complexity and Jung.
PN98.P75 R693 2012eb The ecocritical psyche : literature, evolutionary complexity and Jung / 1
PN98.P75 S36 1999 Text als Psyche : eine Einführung in die analytische Psychologie C.G. Jungs für Literaturwissenschaftler / 1
PN98.P75 S58 The literary use of the psychoanalytic process / 2
PN98.P75 S76 1996 Lacan and literature : purloined pretexts / 1