Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN98.W64 B37 2014eb | The Barbara Johnson reader : the surprise of otherness / | 1 |
PN98.W64 B67 1994 | Borderwork : feminist engagements with comparative literature / | 2 |
PN98.W64 B67 1994eb | Borderwork : feminist engagements with comparative literature / | 1 |
PN98.W64 B68 1992 | Still crazy after all these years : women, writing and psychoanalysis / | 1 |
PN98.W64 B9 1994 | By, for & about : feminist cultural politics / | 1 |
PN98.W64 B92 1994 | By, for & about : feminist cultural politics / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C35 2006 | The Cambridge companion to feminist literary theory / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C36 2012 | Rereading heterosexuality : feminism, queer theory and contemporary fiction / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C37 1992 |
Talking back : toward a Latin American feminist literary criticism / Talking back : toward a Latin American feminst literary criticism / |
2 |
PN98.W64 C46 1994 | Espacio excéntrico : textos hispanoamericanos, deconstrucción y feminismo / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C53 1996 | Ciao bella : ventun percorsi di critica letteraria femminile oggi / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C56 2006 | Early American women critics : performance, religion, race / | 1 |
PN98.W64 C56 2006eb | Early American women critics : performance, religion, race / | 2 |
PN98.W64 C75 1997 | Critiche femministe e teorie letterarie / | 1 |
PN98.W64 D323 2017 | Women as public moralists in Britain : from the bluestockings to Virginia Woolf / | 1 |
PN98.W64 D33 2017eb | Women as public moralists in Britain : from the bluestockings to Virginia Woolf / | 1 |
PN98.W64 D37 2021eb | Geographies of identity : narrative forms, feminist futures / | 1 |
PN98.W64 D45 1992 | Dekonstruktiver Feminismus : Literaturwissenschaft in Amerika / | 1 |
PN98.W64 D49 1994 | A Dialogue of voices : feminist literary theory and Bakhtin / | 1 |
PN98.W64D49 1994 PN98.W64 D49 1994eb | Dialogue of Voices : Feminist Literary Theory and Bakhtin. | 2 |