PQ155.R4 G44 1993
Saints and scribes : medieval hagiography in its manuscript context / |
1 |
PQ155.R4 R35 2001
Christian, Saracen and genre in medieval French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.R4 R35 2001eb
Christian, Saracen and genre in medieval French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.R4 R630 1995
The medieval saints' lives : spiritual renewal and old French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.R45 P3 1967
Le motif du repentir dans la littérature française médiévale : <des origines à 1230> |
1 |
PQ155.R48 R48 1987
Rewards and punishments in the Arthurian romances and lyric poetry of mediaeval France : essays presented to Kenneth Varty on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday / |
1 |
The New Reynard : three satires: Renart le bestourné, Le Couronnement de Renart, Renart le nouvel / |
2 |
PQ155.S25 C43 2001a
Maroniers, notoniers et pescheors dans la littérature française des XIIe, XIIIe et XIVe siècles / |
1 |
PQ155.S4 V53 2002
Les saisons dans la poésie française des XIVe et XVe siècles / |
1 |
Gender transgressions crossing the normative barrier in Old French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 B74 2008
French romance of the later Middle Ages : gender, morality, and desire / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 G46 1998
Gender transgressions : crossing the normative barrier in Old French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 G46 2014
Gender transgressions : crossing the normative barrier in old French literature / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 G46 2021
Gender and voice in medieval French literature and song / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 L48 1989
Barbarolexis : medieval writing and sexuality / |
1 |
PQ155.S48 R69 1992
Une culture de l'équivoque / |
1 |
PQ155.S53 P53 1994
La métaphore pathologique et thérapeutique à la fin du Moyen Age / |
1 |
PQ155.S7 B6
Littérature, politique et société dans la France du Moyen Age / |
1 |
PQ155.S7 H35 2004
The subject medieval/modern : text and governance in the Middle Ages / |
1 |
PQ155.S7 H35 2004eb
The subject medieval/modern : text and governance in the Middle Ages / |
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