Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ1825.E5 M3 1998 Don Juan and other plays / 2
PQ1825.E5 P3 Molière: The affected misses, Don Juan, Tartuffe, The misanthrope, The doctor by compulsion, The miser, The trademan turned gentlemen, The learned ladies / 1
PQ1825.E5 V3 The dramatic works of Molière / 1
PQ1825.E5 V3 1875a The dramatic works of Molière / 1
PQ1825.E5 W4 1907 The plays of Molière in French / 1
PQ1825.E5 W5 2009 The school for husbands : and the imaginary cuckold, or Sganarelle / 1
PQ1825.E5 W57 Five plays / 1
PQ1825.E5 W58  
PQ1825.E5 W58 1959 The misanthrope, and other plays / 1
PQ1825.E5 W583 2000 The misanthrope and other plays / 1
PQ1825.E5 W583 2000b  
PQ1825.E5 W6 Molière / 1
PQ1825.E5 W6 1912 Molière / 1
PQ1825.E5 W6 1962 The miser ; The would-be gentleman ; That scoundrel Scapin ; Love's the best doctor ; Don Juan / 1
PQ1825.E5 W66 2000 The miser and other plays / 1
PQ1825.S6 D318 1981 Tartufo, o, El impostor ; Don Juan, o, El festín de piedra / 1
PQ1826.A5 L'amour médecin / 1
PQ1826.A7 Amphitryon de Molière (Fiche de lecture) 1
PQ1826 .A7 1950x Amphitryon : comédie / 1
PQ1826.A7 E5 2010 Amphitryon / 2