Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ2412 .D8 George Sand sous la loupe / 1
PQ2412 .E37 2006 Naked in the marketplace : the lives of George Sand / 1
PQ2412 .F73 1979 George Sand : the woman and her world : catalogue of private collection of Christiane-Smeets-Dudevant-Sand at Gargilesse, France / 1
PQ2412 .G7 1907 George Sand and her lovers / 1
PQ2412 .H37 2004 George Sand / 2
PQ2412 .H37 2004eb George Sand / 2
PQ2412 .H533 2017eb  
PQ2412 .H55 Hommage à George Sand / 1
PQ2412 .H58 A mind of her own : a life of the writer George Sand / 2
PQ2412 .J33 2000 George Sand : a woman's life writ large / 1
PQ2412 .J6 1976b George Sand : a biographical portrait / 2
PQ2412 .K6 1899a George Sand : sa vie et ses œuvres / 1
PQ2412 .M27 1981 George Sand / 2
PQ2412 .M3 Lélia : ou, La vie de George Sand. 1
PQ2412 .M313 1953a Lélia, the life of George Sand / 1
PQ2412 .N693 2004 George Sand ou l'amour du Berry / 1
PQ2412 .P39 1947 La vie d'un grand homme, George Sand. 1
PQ2412 .R44 2013 George Sand / 1
PQ2412 .S29 George Sand. 1
PQ2412 .S4 1932 The seven strings of the lyre : the romantic life of George Sand, 1804-1876 / 1