Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ2446 .A813 1899 Arthur / 1
PQ2446 .A82 1899a Arthur / 1
PQ2446 .A86f 1831 Atar-Gull. 1
PQ2446 .B513 The pocket Bible, or, Christian the printer, a tale of the sixteenth century / 1
PQ2446.C38 E5 1911 The galley slave's ring, or, The family of Lebrenn; a tale of the French revolution of 1848 / 1
PQ2446 .C513 The brass bell, or, The chariot of death, a tale of Caesar's Gallic invasion / 1
PQ2446 .C6513 The iron collar, or, Faustina and Syomara; a tale of slavery under the Romans / 1
PQ2446 .C6613 The pilgrim's shell; or, Fergan the quarryman, a tale from the feudal times / 1
PQ2446 .C6713 The executioner's knife, or, Joan of Arc; a tale of the inquisition / 1
PQ2446 .C713 The infant's skull, or, The end of the world, a tale of the millennium / 1
PQ2446 .C713 1900 The knight of Malta ; Envy : one of the seven cardinal sins / 1
PQ2446 .C72E5 1900a The knight of Malta / 1
PQ2446.C9 E5 1916 The silver cross, or, The Carpenter of Nazareth; a tale of Jerusalem / 1
PQ2446.C9 E5 1950 The silver cross, or, The carpenter of Nazareth; a tale of Jerusalem / 1
PQ2446 .C9613 The abbatial crosier, or, Bonaik and Septimine, a tale of a medieval abbess / 1
PQ2446 .F3 La famille Jouffroy. 1
PQ2446 .F3713 The gold sickle, or, Hena, the virgin of the Isle of Sen, a tale of druid Gaul / 1
PQ2446 .F413 The iron arrow head, or, The buckler maiden, a tale of the Northman invasion / 1
PQ2446 .G313 The poniard's hilt, or, Karadeucq and Ronan; a tale of Bagauders and Vagres / 1
PQ2446 .J8 1851 Le juif errant / 1