PQ283 .C68 1992
Repression and expression : literary and social coding in nineteenth-century France / |
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PQ283 .C69 2016eb
Inheritance in nineteenth-century French culture : wealth, knowledge and the family / |
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PQ283 .D36 1974
El dandysmo : Balzac, Baudelaire, Barbey d'Aurebilly / |
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PQ283 .D47 1981
La Description : Nodier, Sue, Flaubert, Hugo, Verne, Zola, Alexis, Fénéon / |
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PQ283 .D48 2014
Deux siècles de malédiction littéraire / |
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PQ283 .D6 1931
The relations between literature and mediaeval studies in France from 1820 to 1860 ... / |
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PQ283 .D8
L'institution de la littérature : introduction à une sociologie / |
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PQ283 .D846 2016
La littérature des images / |
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PQ283 .E87 2007
Esquisses/ébauches : projects and pre-texts in nineteenth-century French culture / |
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PQ283 .F46 1994
Paris as revolution : writing the nineteenth-century city / |
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PQ283 .F49
"Époque romantique" et réalisme : problèmes méthodologiques / |
1 |
PQ283 .F67 1988
Les écrivains français et la mode : de Balzac à nos jours / |
2 |
PQ283 .F67 2005
Method in madness : control mechanisms in the French fantastic / |
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PQ 283 .G37 2004
"A dream of stone" : fame, vision, and monumentality in nineteenth-century French literary culture / |
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PQ283 .G37 2004
"A dream of stone" : fame, vision, and monumentality in nineteenth-century French literary culture / |
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PQ283 .G67 1992
Ornament, fantasy, and desire in nineteenth-century French literature / |
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PQ283 .G67 1992eb
Ornament, fantasy, and desire in nineteenth-century French literature / |
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PQ283 .G75 2013
Adapting nineteenth-century France : literature in film, theatre, television, radio and print / |
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PQ283 .G84 1990
The impersonal sublime : Hugo, Baudelaire, Lautréamont / |
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PQ283 .H3513 1992
Expositions : literature and architecture in nineteenth-century France / |
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