Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ4181.D4 P57 2006 Un secolo in giallo : storia del poliziesco italiano, 1860-1960 / 1
PQ4181.D57 B66 2012 Disrupted narratives : illness, silence and identity in Svevo, Pressburger and Morandini / 1
PQ4181.E6 T73 2005 Three Italian epistolary novels : Foscolo, De Meis, Piovene : translations, introductions, and backgrounds / 1
PQ4181.E65 S35 2010 Addressing the letter : Italian women writers' epistolary fiction / 1
PQ4181.E65 S35 2010eb Addressing the Letter : Italian Women Writers' Epistolary / 1
PQ4181.F36 B66 1982 Teoria del fantastico e il racconto fantastico in Italia : Tarchetti, Pirandello, Buzzati / 1
PQ4181.F36 F37 1988 Il giuoco del maligno : il racconto fantastico nella letteratura italiana tra Otto e Novecento / 1
PQ4181.F36 M63 2003 Libri di sangue : l'horror italiano di fine millennio / 1
PQ4181.F64 B5313 1993  
PQ4181.F64 B5313 1993 The flavors of modernity : food and the novel / 1
PQ4181.H55 Contesting the Monument: The Anti-illusionist Italian Historical Novel: No. 10 : the Anti-illusionist Italian Historical Novel. 1
PQ4181.H55 C379 2017eb Investigating fascism : crime, mystery, and the fascist ventennio in the historical novel / 1
PQ4181.H55 D43 1995 Gli archivi del silenzio : la tradizione del romanzo storico italiano / 1
PQ4181.H55 D45 1996 Plotting the past : metamorphoses of historical narrative in modern Italian fiction / 1
PQ4181.H55 G46 1999 Gendering Italian fiction : feminist revisions of Italian history / 1
PQ4181.H55 G59 2005 Contesting the monument : the anti-illusionist Italian historical novel / 1
PQ4181.S35 B75 2019 Italian Science Fiction : the Other in Literature and Film /
Italian science fiction : the other in literature and film /
PQ4183.D5 Speaking of Love. 1
PQ4183.D5 C68 1992 The Renaissance dialogue : literary dialogue in its social and political contexts, Castiglione to Galileo /
The Renaissance Dialogue : Literary Dialogue in its Social and Political Contexts, Castiglione to Galileo /
PQ4183.E8 F6 Storia del saggio. 1