Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ4311 .E6 1967 Dantis Alagherii epistolae : the letters of Dante / 1
PQ4311.E6 K316 1995 Epistola a Cangrande / 1
PQ4311.E6 S33 1993 Das Schreiben an Cangrande della Scala / 1
PQ4311.E8 G74 2020 Al di là delle fonti classiche : le Epistole dantesche e la prassi duecentesca dell'ars dictaminis / 1
PQ4311.E8 H65 1993 Dante's Epistle to Cangrande / 1
PQ4311.E8 N3 1989 Dante e la "Comedia" nel Trecento : dall'epistola a Cangrande all'eta di Petrarca / 1
PQ4311 .E8N64 Le epistole : conferenza / 1
PQ4311.E8 R3 A concordance to the Batifolle letters / 1
PQ4315 The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, 3. 1
PQ4315.A3 B5 The portable Dante : The divine comedy, complete / 1
PQ4315 .A5 La Divinia commedia : the Divine comedy / 1
PQ4315 .A5 1932 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri / 1
PQ4315 .A88 1994 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri : a poetic translation in iambic pentameter and terza rima / 1
PQ4315 .C36 1944 The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri : the Carlyle-Wicksteed translation. Introd. by C.H. Grandgent. Illustrated by George Grosz. 1
PQ4315 .C36 1944b The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri / 1
PQ4315.C36 1950 The Divine comedy ; the Carlyle-Wicksteed translation / 1
PQ4315 .C4 1814 The vision, or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri / 1
PQ4315 .C4 1875 The divine comedy, or, Vision of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Alighieri / 1
PQ4315 .C4 1884 The vision, or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise of Dante Alighieri /
The vision; or, Hell, purgatory, & paradise of Dante Alighieri /
PQ4315 .C4 1897 The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri / 1