Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ4540 .L48 2016 Petrarch and the literary culture of nineteenth-century France : translation, appropriation, transformation /
Lessico critico petrarchesco /
PQ4540 .M3 1984 Petrarch /
Petrach /
PQ4540 .M37 1993 The worlds of Petrarch /
The worlds of Petrarch
PQ4540 .P38 2009 Petrarch & Dante : anti-Dantism, metaphysics, tradition / 1
PQ4540 .P38 2009eb Petrarch & Dante : anti-Dantism, metaphysics, tradition / 2
PQ4540 .P42 2000 Petrarca e i suoi lettori / 1
PQ4540 .P48 2009 Petrarch : a critical guide to the complete works / 1
PQ4540 .P48 2009eb Petrarch : a critical guide to the complete works / 2
PQ4540 .P66 2016 Petrarca e l'idea di poesia : una monografia inedita / 1
PQ4540 .S75 2003 Francesco Petrarca : ein Intellektueller im Europa des 14. Jahrhunderts / 1
PQ4540 .Z8 Studi sul Petrarca / 1
PQ4541 .W3 Petrarch's poetics and literary history / 1
PQ4542 .F67 1984 Petrarch : poet and humanist / 1
PQ4542 .T7 The poet as philosopher ; Petrarch and the formation of Renaissance consciousness /
The poet as philosopher Petrarch and the formation of Renaissance consciousness /
PQ4542 .T75 Pétrarque : ou la connaissance de soi. 1
PQ4542 .Z35 2010 Petrarch's humanism and the care of the self / 1
PQ4542 .Z35 2010eb Petrarch's humanism and the care of the self / 1
PQ4543 Petrarch and St. Augustine : Classical Scholarship, Christian Theology and the Origins of the Renaissance in Italy. 1
PQ4543 .B69 1991 Petrarch's genius : pentimento and prophecy / 1
PQ4543 .G37 Umanesimo cristiano del Petrarca : influenza agostiniana attinenze medievali. 1