Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ4572.A3 A732 2022 Ariosto and the Arabs : contexts for the Orlando furioso / 1
PQ4572.A3 S76 2012 Genealogies of fiction : women warriors and the dynastic imagination in the Orlando furioso / 1
PQ4572.A3 S76 2012eb Genealogies of fiction : women warriors and the dynastic imagination in the Orlando furioso / 1
PQ4572.A3 W645 1992 The lady vanishes : subjectivity and representation in Castiglione and Ariosto / 1
PQ4574 .B65 L'Orlando furioso nelle sue fonti. 1
PQ4574 .C33 2016 Ariosto, i volgari e i latini suoi / 1
PQ4574 .D45 2022 L'inchiesta di Orlando : il "Furioso" e la tradizione romanza / 1
PQ4574 .R3 1900 Le fonti dell'Orlando furioso : ricerche e studi / 1
PQ4575 .C37 1993 Il percorso del "Furioso" : ricerche intorno alle redazioni del 1516 e del 1521 / 1
PQ4578 .A1 1857 Opere minori in verso e in prosa / 1
PQ4578 .A1 1954 Opere minori / 1
PQ4578 .A3 1962 Commedie / 1
PQ4578 .N2 1975 Two Renaissance plays / 1
PQ4581.A5 S234 1984 Ariosto pensoso : lettura delle Satire / 1
PQ4582 .E5 2010eb "My muse will have a story to paint" : selected prose of Ludovico Ariosto / 3
PQ4582.E5 A348 Orlando furioso / 1
PQ4582.E5 A35 1607 An advertisement to the reader before he reade this poeme, of some things to be observed, as vvell in the substance of this vvorke as also in the setting forth thereof, vvith the vse of the Pictures, Table, and annotations to the same annexed. 1
PQ4582.E5 A352 Sir John Harington's translation of Orlando Furioso / 1
PQ4582.E5 A352 1962 Sir John Harington's translation of Orlando Furioso / 1
PQ4582.E5 A353 Orlando furioso : selections from the translation of Sir John Harington / 1