PQ9189.A44 K37 2002
Diccionario de la prosa castellana del Rey Alfonso X / |
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PQ9189.A44 P38 2019
Alfonso X y otras escrituras del trovar / |
1 |
PQ9189.A44 S66 2012eb
The poetry of Alfonso X : an annotated critical bibliography (1278-2010) / |
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PQ9191.A5 A1 1961
Visite à la réligieuse portugaise : suivi des lettres de la réligieuse / |
1 |
PQ9191.A5 A1 1962
Lettres portugaises, Valentins et autres œuvres / |
1 |
PQ9191.A5 A22 1904
Letters from a Portuguese nun to an officer in the French army : being a reproduction of the edition of 1817. |
1 |
PQ9191.A5 A26 1973
Letters of a Portuguese nun. |
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PQ9191.A5 A42
Cartas portuguesas / |
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PQ9191.A5 A6 1946
Alfonso el Sabio / |
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PQ9191 .A53 1953
Two old Portuguese versions of the Life of Saint Alexis : Codices Alcobacenses 36 and 266 / |
1 |
PQ9191.A54 A6 1941
Antología de Alfonso X, el Sabio. |
1 |
PQ9191.A54 A6 1944
Alfonso el Sabio : antologia / |
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PQ9191.A54 A6 1960
Antología de Alfonso X el Sabio / |
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PQ9191.A54 A6 1985
Obras : selección / |
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PQ9191.A54 C33
Cantigas de Santa María / |
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PQ9191.A58 A17 1963
Rimas varias (Lisboa, 1628) : con el "Elogio fúnebre a Spinola", ́Amberes, 1631, en apéndice / |
1 |
PQ9191.A93 V53 1916
A vingança de Agamenon : tragédia de Anrrique Ayres Victoria : nota de história literária / |
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PQ9191 .B27 1938
A Portuguese version of the life of Barlaam and Josaphat : paleographical edition and linguistic study / |
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PQ9191.B32 P6 1977
Poesie / |
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PQ9191.B4 Z731 1995
O simbolismo animal : na obra do padre Manuel Bernardes / |
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