Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.2 pt.2 French Petit alphabet Franco-Américain : [le petit livre de deux vieux amis: les États-Unis et la France] 1
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.3 Italian Agli italiani.
Overseas Branch publications.
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.4 Portuguese Combóios combatentes, êles mantẻem abertas as rotas marítimas.
Overseas Branch publications.
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.5 Scandinavian Overseas Branch publications.
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.6 Spanish Overseas Branch publications.
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.7 Dutch, German, Polish Die vryheidsdrang /
Overseas Branch publications.
PR 32.5002:Ov2p/v.8 Non-Roman Overseas Branch publications. 1
PR 32.5002:Ov 2p The four documents signed at the Moscow Conference, Moscow, October 19-30, 1943 /
Uniforms and insignia of the Army of the United States.
Rural America : farms and farmers in the United States /
The medal of honor.
The Philippines.
United Nations bulletin.
U.S.A. : an American review /
The war messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 8, 1941 to April 13, 1945 : the President's war addresses to the people & to the Congress of the United States of America.
Building a ship in 4 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes.
PR 32.5002:Ov 2p/French Bulletin des Nations Unies. 1
PR 32.5002:Ov 2p/Italian I messaggi di guerra di Franklin D. Roosevelt dall'8 dicembre 1941 al 12 ottobre 1942 : discorsi di guerra del presidente al popolo e al Congresso degli Stati Uniti d'America.
Notiziario delle nazioni unite : le donne dei Paesi Alleati lavorano e lottano per affrettare la vittoria.
PR 32.5002:Ov 2p/v.1 English The war messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 8, 1941 to April 13, 1945 : the President's war addresses to the people & to the Congress of the United States of America. 1
PR 32.5002/Ov 2P/v.2 pt.1 French Comment on reconnaît les forces armées des Etats-Unis. 1
Pr 32.5002:P 11/2/Italian La guerra nel Pacifico. 1
Pr 32.5002:P 11/Italian Gli S.U. nel Pacifico. 2
Pr 32.5002:P 37 Penicillin, Reprinted with Permisson from The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Science, and The Medical Times by The United States Office of War Information. 1
PR 32.5002: P 44 The right of people to their freedom. 1
Pr 32.5002:P 83/Italian Portaerei americane. 1
Pr32.5002..P11_Italian Gli S.U. nel Pacifico. 1
Pr32.5002..P37 Penicillin, Reprinted with Permisson from The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Science, and The Medical Times by The United States Office of War Information. 1
PR 32.5002:Qu 38/French Les quatre documents signés à la Conférence de Moscou, Moscou, 19-30 octobre, 1943 : précédés d'un extrait du rapport fait au Congrès / 1