PR1205 1649
Monumentum regale: or A tombe, erected for that incomparable and glorious monarch, Charles the First, King of Great Britane, France and Ireland, &c. In select elegies, epitaphs, and poems. |
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PR1205 .A75
The Arundel Harington manuscript of Tudor poetry / |
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PR1205 .B4
Five courtier poets of the English Renaissance / |
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PR1205 .B7 1978
Tudor songs and ballads from ms Cotton Vespasian A-25 / |
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PR1205 .B796
Silver poets of the sixteenth century / |
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PR1205 B796 1947a
Silver poets of the sixteenth century / |
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PR1205 .B8
Themes and variations in English poetry of the Renaissance / |
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PR1205 .C29 1897
English lyric poetry, 1500-1700 / |
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PR1205 .C6 1955
The court of Venus / |
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PR1205 .D4 1961
Renaissance poetry / |
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PR1205 .D48 2015
A social edition of the Devonshire manuscript (BL MS Add 17,492) / |
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PR1205 .E3 1972
The paradise of dainty devices, 1576 : with the additional poems from the editions of 1578, 1580 and 1585. |
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PR1205 .E38 1585
The paradise of daintie deuises containyng sundrie pithie preceptes, learned counsailes and excellent inuentions : right pleasant and profitable for all ages / |
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PR1205 .E38 1606
The paradise of daintie deuises contayning many pithy precepts, learned counsailes and excellent inuentions : right pleasant and profitable for al estates / |
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PR1205 .E47
English lyric poetry, 1500-1700 / |
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PR1205 .E5 1990
English Renaissance poetry : a collection of shorter poems from Skelton to Jonson / |
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PR1205 .G3 1967
The metaphysical poets / |
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PR1205 .H3
The courtly poets from Raleigh to Montrose / |
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PR1205 .H3 1891
The poems of Sir Walter Raleigh collected and authenticated with those of Sir Henry Wotton and other courtly poets from 1540 to 1650 / |
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PR1205 .H37
An answer to the most envious, scandalous and libellous pamphlet entitled, Mercuries message, or, The copy of a letter sent to William Laud, Arch-bishop of Canterbury now prisoner in the Tower |
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