Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR125 .W43 2024 Weaving tales : Anglo-Iberian encounters on literatures in English / 1
PR127 Roman images / 1
PR127 .B76 1999 The metamorphosis of Ovid : from Chaucer to Ted Hughes / 1
PR127 .D4 1981 Byron and Joyce through Homer : Don Juan and Ulysses / 1
PR127 .D47 1994 Reading Dido : gender, textuality, and the medieval Aeneid / 1
PR127.D47 PR127.D47 1994 Reading Dido : Gender, Textuality, and the Medieval Aeneid. 2
PR127 .F47 2000 Silent urns : romanticism, Hellenism, modernity / 1
PR127 .F57 2008 Heretical Hellenism : women writers, ancient Greece, and the Victorian popular imagination / 1
PR127 .F57 2008eb Heretical Hellenism : women writers, ancient Greece, and the Victorian popular imagination / 1
PR127 .F58 Lucretius and English literature, 1680-1740. 1
PR127 .G6 Studies in the influence of the classics on English literature / 1
PR127 .G7 Verse translation, with special reference to translation from Latin. 1
PR127 .G7 1969 Verse translation : with special reference to translation from Latin. 1
PR127 .H39 2003 English literature and ancient languages / 1
PR127 .H65 2008 The cultural uses of the Caesars on the English Renaissance stage / 1
PR127 .H65 2016 The cultural uses of the Caesars on the English Renaissance stage / 1
PR127 .H67 1993 Horace made new : Horatian influences on British writing from the Renaissance to the twentieth century / 1
PR127 .K4 Theocritus in English literature / 1
PR127 .L4 1944a Endymion in England : the literary history of a Greek myth / 1
PR127 .N5 Vergil and the English poets / 1