Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR129.A785 R36 2007eb South Asian writers in twentieth-century Britain : culture in translation / 1
PR129.A785 Y37 2005 Writing diaspora : South Asian women, culture and ethnicity / 1
PR129.B35 G65 1998 Inventing Ruritania : the imperialism of the imagination / 1
PR129.B425 C76 2009eb Crossing cultures : nineteenth-century Anglophobe literature in the Low Countries / 2
PR129.C36 Come, bright Improvement! The Literary Societies of Nineteenth-Century Ontario / 1
PR129.C37 F47 1993 Colonialism and gender relations from Mary Wollstonecraft to Jamaica Kincaid : East Caribbean connections / 1
PR129.C5 L5 Elizabethan and Yuan : a brief comparison of some conventions in poetic drama / 1
PR129.C6 China and the writing of English literary modernity, 1690-1770 / 1
PR129.C6 F67 2013 China and the Victorian imagination : empires entwined / 3
PR129.C6 L58 2008 Seeds of a different eden : Chinese gardening ideas and a new English aesthetic ideal / 1
PR129.C6 M35 2001 English in Tibet, Tibet in English : self-presentation in Tibet and the diaspora / 1
PR129.C6 M56 2018 China and the writing of English literary modernity, 1690-1770 / 1
PR129.C6 V57 1998 The vision of China in the English literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / 1
PR129.D46 S68 1993 The rhetoric of empire : colonial discourse in journalism, travel writing, and imperial administration /
The rhetoric of empire colonial discourse in journalism, travel writing, and imperial administration /
PR129.D46 S6818 2013 La retórica del imperio : el discourso colonial en periodismo, escritura de viajes y administración imperal / 1
PR129.D46 S6818 2013eb La retórica del imperio : el discurso colonial en periodismo, escritura de viajes y administración imperial / 1
PR129.E3 A73 2001 Old worlds : Egypt, Southwest Asia, India, and Russia in early modern English writing / 1
PR129.E85 B89 1993 The beaten track European tourism, literature, and the ways to culture, 1800-1918 /
The beaten track : European tourism, literature, and the ways to culture, 1800-1918 /
PR129.E85 H36 2010 British literature and the Balkans : themes and contexts / 1
PR129.E85 M67 2004 British romanticism and continental influences : writing in an age of europhobia / 1