Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR129.A4 B76 2017 Future history : global fantasies in seventeenth-century American and British writings / 2
PR129.A4 H36 1995 The image of America in Montaigne, Spenser and Shakespeare : Renaissance ethnography and literary reflection / 2
PR129.A4 K58 1992 An empire nowhere : England, America, and literature from Utopia to The tempest / 1
PR129.A4 L56 1998 The romance of the New World : gender and the literary formations of English colonialism / 1
PR129.A4 M55 2010 America and the British imaginary in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Literature / 2
PR129.A65 A73 2009 Arab voices in diaspora : critical perspectives on anglophone Arab literature / 1
PR129.A65 R37 2007 Literary modernity between the Middle East and Europe : textual transactions in nineteenth-century Arabic, English, and Persian literatures / 1
PR129.A65 R37 2007eb Literary modernity between the Middle East and Europe : textual transactions in nineteenth-century Arabic, English, and Persian literatures / 1
PR129.A75 A84 1982 Asian and Western writers in dialogue : new cultural identities / 1
PR129.A78 The Orient and the young romantics / 1
PR129.A78 B35 2005 Fabulous orients : fictions of the East in England, 1662-1785 / 1
PR129.A78 B35 2005eb Fabulous orients : fictions of the East in England, 1662-1785 / 1
PR129.A78 .F674 2018eb Foreign Goods : a Selection of Writing by British East Asian Artists. 1
PR129.A78 L4 1992 British romantic writers and the East : anxieties of empire / 1
PR129.A78 O94 1996 The progress of an image : the East in English literature / 1
PR129.A78 W37 2014 The Orient and the young Romantics / 1
PR129.A785 Writing diaspora : South Asian women, culture and ethnicity /
Representations of precarity in South Asian literature in English /
PR129.A785 N37 2002 Home truths : fictions of the South Asian diaspora in Britain / 1
PR129.A785 N37 2002eb Home truths : fictions of the South Asian diaspora in Britain / 1
PR129.A785 R36 2007 South Asian writers in twentieth-century Britain : culture in translation / 1