Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR1875.B63 S56 2001 Chaucer's body : the anxiety of circulation in the "Canterbury tales" / 2
PR1875.D47 S33 2015 Desire in the Canterbury Tales
Desire in the Canterbury tales /
PR1875.E84 B57 2006 Chaucer, ethics, and gender / 1
PR1875.F67 Earnest games : folkloric patterns in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.F67 L5 1987 Earnest games : folkloric patterns in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.F7 S63 1981 Chaucer's Franklin in the Canterbury tales : the social and literary background of a Chaucerian character / 2
PR1875.L6 C66 2008 Chaucer from prentice to poet : the metaphor of love in dream visions and Troilus and Criseyde / 1
PR1875.L6 S53 2022 The logic of love in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.M3 S34 1999 The Ellesmere manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.M34 L37 1995 Chaucer's approach to gender in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.N46 H45 2018eb Chaucer's neoplatonism : varieties of love, friendship, and community / 1
PR1875.O26 C48 1996 Chaucer's pilgrims : an historical guide to the pilgrims in The Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.O73 B68 1987 Chaucer aloud : the varieties of textual interpretation / 1
PR1875.P45 Chaucerian Theatricality. 1
PR1875.P45 G36 1990 Chaucerian theatricality / 1
PR1875.P5 F67 1999 Understanding Chaucer's intellectual and interpretative world : nominalist fiction / 1
PR1875.P5 H55 1991 Chaucerian belief : the poetics of reverence and delight / 1
PR1875.P5 L3 1980 The one and the many in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.P5 M55 2004 Philosophical Chaucer : love, sex, and agency in the Canterbury tales / 1
PR1875.P5 M55 2004eb Philosophical Chaucer : love, sex, and agency in the Canterbury tales / 1