Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR1912 .F3 Chaucer and the Roman de la Rose / 1
PR1912.G7 B7 Chaucer and the French poet, Graunson / 1
PR1912.G7 B7 1968 Chaucer and the French poet Graunson. 1
PR1912.G8 H3 The indebtedness of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde to Guido delle Colonne's Historia trojana / 1
PR1912.O93 F9 Chaucer and Ovid / 1
PR1912.P4 R67 2010 Chaucer and Petrarch / 1
PR1912.P4 R67 2010eb Chaucer and Petrarch / 1
PR1912.R7 F3 1914 Chaucer and the Roman de la Rose / 1
PR1912.R7 F3 1965 Chaucer and the Roman de la rose. 1
PR1912 .S65 1998 The kalendarium of John Somer / 1
PR1912.S7 W5 1967 The influence of Statius upon Chaucer. 1
PR1912 .S913 1984 Summa virtutum de remediis anime / 2
PR1912 P Chaucer, imitatore del Boccaccio saggio di letteratura comparata. 1
PR1914 .C43 1991 Chaucer and fifteenth-century poetry / 1
PR1914 .K55 Chaucers Stellung in der Mittelalterlichen Literatur. 1
PR1914 .R44 1998 Refiguring Chaucer in the Renaissance / 2
PR1914 .S73 2010 Standing in the shadow of the master? : Chaucerian influences and interpretations / 1
PR1914 .T6 Geoffrey Chaucer's influence on English literature / 1
PR1914 .T6 1973 Geoffrey Chaucer's influence on English literature / 1
PR1914 .W37 2019 Chaucer and religious controversies in the medieval and early modern eras / 2