Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR1933.E74 M58 2004 Ethics and exemplary narrative in Chaucer and Gower / 1
PR1933.E74 M58 2004eb Ethics and exemplary narrative in Chaucer and Gower / 1
PR1933.F23 C43 2015 Chaucer and fame : reputation and reception / 1
PR1933.F23 C43 2015eb Chaucer and fame : reputation and reception / 1
PR1933.F43 M67 2008 Excrement in the late Middle Ages : sacred filth and Chaucer's fecopoetics / 1
PR1933.F43 M67 2008eb Excrement in the late Middle Ages sacred filth and Chaucer's fecopoetics / 1
PR1933.F7 C48 1987 Chaucer's frame tales : the physical and metaphysical / 1
PR1933.F7 H65 1990 Chaucer's measuring eye / 2
PR1933.G37 H69 1997 Chaucer's gardens and the language of convention / 1
PR1933.G45 C48 2002 Chaucer's cultural geography / 1
PR1933.G45 C48 2002eb Chaucer's cultural geography / 1
PR1933.G45 C48 2013 Chaucer's Cultural Geography. 1
PR1933.H57 P38 1991 Chaucer and the subject of history / 1
PR1933.H66 P84 2014 Chaucer's (anti-) eroticisms and the queer Middle Ages /
Chaucer's (anti- ) eroticisms and the queer Middle Ages /
PR1933.H85 Chaucer's Humor : Critical Essays. 1
PR1933.H85 C48 1994 Chaucer's humor : critical essays / 1
PR1933.H85 H44 2009 Comedy in Chaucer and Boccaccio / 1
PR1933.H85 H44 2009eb Comedy in Chaucer and Boccaccio / 1
PR1933.I75 B57 1985 Essays on Chaucerian irony / 1
PR1933.K6 A88 1996 Chaucer and the universe of learning / 3