Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2199 .T6 1620 To him Bun, take him Bun, or, The hunting of the conney to the tune of To him Bunne, &c. 1
PR2199.T8 (INTERNET) A pleasant comedie, called The tvvo merry milke-maids, or, The best words weare the garland As it was acted before the King, with generall approbation, by the Companie of the Reuels. / 1
PR2199 .T86 1630 The Two faithfull friends the pleasant history of Alexander and Lodwicke, who were so like one another, that none could know them asunder ... : to the tune of Flying fame. 1
PR2199 .T88 1630 A True relation of the life and death of Sir Andrew Barton, a pirate and rover on the seas to the tune of, Come follow me loue. 1
PR2199 .V47 1624 A Very godly song intituled, The earnest petition of a faithfull Christian, being clarke of Bodnam, made vpon his death bed, at the instant of his transmutation to a pleasant new tune. 1
PR2199 .W54 1549 [Whippet you priests] 1
PR2199 .W54 1623 Which of these fower, that here you see, in greatest daunger you thinke to be 1
PR2199 .W6 1926 Willobie his Avisa, 1594 / 1
PR2199 .W6 1967 Willoby his Avisa. 1
PR2199 .W63 1625 The wofull complaint, and lamentable death of a forsaken louer to a pleasant new tune. 1
PR2199.W63 D4 The Queen declined : an interpretation of Willobie His Avisa / 1
PR2199 .W68 1975 A critical edition of Wit's Triumvirate, or, the Philosopher / 1
PR2199 .W9 1577 A merie and [pleasant] prognostication devised after the finest fashion: 1
PR2199 .Z5 1869a Zepheria. 1
PR2199 .Z5 1967 Zepheria. 1
PR2200.A22 E43 An elegie vpon the most deplorable death of Prince Henry, eldest sonne to the king of Bohemia who vpon the 9th of Ianuary last passing to Harlem, most unfortunately perished / 1
PR2200.A4 A17 1959 Sonnets / 1
PR2200.A4 (INTERNET) VVits theater of the little world
A discourse of the nature, ends, and difference of the two covenants evincing in special, that faith as justifying, is not opposed to works of evangelical obedience : with An appendix of the nature and difference of saving and ineffectual faith, and the reason of that difference : to which is prefixed a Preface, /
PR2200.A52 C66 1680 The copie of a barons court 2
PR2200.A52 (INTERNET) The copie of a barons court 1