Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2209.B6 (INTERNET) The Diuils charter a tragædie conteining the life and death of Pope Alexander the sixt. As it was plaide before the Kings Maiestie, vpon Candlemasse night last : by his Maiesties Seruants. But more exactly reuewed, corrected, and augmented since by the author, for the more pleasure and profit of the reader.
A divine centurie of spirituall sonnets
Parthenophil and Parthenophe Sonnettes, madrigals, elegies and odes. To the right noble and vertuous gentleman, M. William Percy Esquier, his deerest friend.
PR2209.B6 Z6 1974 Lyric forms in the sonnet sequences of Barnabe Barnes / 1
PR2209 .B8 1936 The poems of Richard Barnfield. 1
PR2209 .B8 1990 The complete poems / 2
PR2209.B8 A17 1896 Poems, 1594-1598 / 1
PR2209.B8 (INTERNET) Lady Pecunia, or, The praise of money Also a combat betwixt conscience and couetousnesse. Togither with, the complaint of poetry, for the death of liberality /
The affectionate shepheard Containing the complaint of Daphnis for the loue of Ganymede.
PR2209.B8 L68 1625 A louers newest curranto, or, The lamentation of a young mans folly to a pleasant new tune. 1
PR2209.B8 Z54 2001 The affectionate shepherd : celebrating Richard Barnfield / 1
PR2210.E15 M5 1628 Micro-cosmographie, or, A peece of the world discovered in essayes and characters. 1
PR2211 .B2 1893b The poetical works of William Basse (1602-1653) / 1
PR2211.B2 (INTERNET) Three pastoral elegies of Anander, Anetor, and Muridella /
Great Brittaines sunnes-set, bewailed with a shower of teares
Svvord and buckler, or, Seruing-mans defence
PR2211.B25 (INTERNET) The golden booke of the leaden goddes wherein is described the vayne imaginations of heathe[n] pagans, and counterfaict Christians : wyth a description of their seueral tables, what ech of their pictures signified /
A christall glasse of christian reformation wherein the godly maye beholde the coloured abuses vsed in this our present tyme /
PR2211.B28 (INTERNET) Sir Philip Sydneys ouránia that is, Endimions song and tragedie, containing all philosophie / 1
PR2211.B3 T5 1926 The theatre of Apollo : an entertainment written by Sir John Beaumont in 1625 / 1
PR2211.B4 (INTERNET) Poems, divine and humane 1
PR2211.B55 J4 Edward Benlowes, 1602-1676 : biography of a minor poet. 1
PR2211.B6 (INTERNET) The historie of Ariodanto and Ieneura, daughter to the King of Scottes, in English verse
A sixth booke to the Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia
PR2211.B7 (INTERNET) The seconde part of the Mirrour for magistrates conteining the falles of the infortunate princes of this lande, from the conquest of Cæsar, vnto the commyng of Duke William the Conquerour. 1
PR2211.B7 R4 1582a A revelation of the true Minerva / 1
PR2211.B8 W57 1667 Politeuphuia, wits common-wealth 2