Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2242 .D19 1967 | The complete works of John Davies of Hereford (15..-1618) | 1 |
PR2242.D19 A12 | A selection from the poetry of Samuel Daniel & Michael Drayton / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 (INTERNET) |
Bien venv Great Britaines welcome to hir greate friendes, and deere brethren the Danes. The muses sacrifice Thy motto's lyke thy mind ... A scourge for paper-persecutors, or, Papers complaint, compil'd in ruthfull rimes, against the paper-spoylers of these times Humours heau'n on earth with the ciuile warres of death and fortune. As also the triumph of death: or, the picture of the plague, according to the life; as it was in anno Domini. 1603. / La picara, or, The triumphs of female subtilty display'd in the artifices and impostures of a beautiful woman, who trapann'd the most experienc'd rogues, and made all those unhappy who thought her handsome : originally a Spanish relation, enriched with three pleasant novels / Wittes pilgrimage, (by poeticall essaies) through a vvorld of amorous sonnets, soule-passions, and other passages, diuine, philosophicall, morall, poeticall, and politicall VVits bedlam ----vvhere is had, whipping-cheer, to cure the mad. The mvses-teares for the losse of their hope heroick and nere-too-mvch praised, Henry, Prince of Wales. &c. Together with times sobs for the vntimely death of his glory ... Consecrated to the high and mighty prince, Frederick the fift, Count-palatine of Rheyn. &c. Where-vnto is added, consolatory straines to wrest nature from her bent in immoderate mourning ... / The holy roode, or, Christs crosse containing Christ crucified, described in speaking-picture. / Mirum in modum A glimpse of Gods glorie and the soules shape. Yehovah Summa totalis, or, All in all, and, the same for euer, or, an Addition to Mirum in modum. / A select second husband for Sir Thomas Ouerburie's wife, now a matchlesse widow |
13 |
PR2242.D19 M4 1611 | Microcosmos. the discovery of the little world, with the government thereof / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 M5 (INTERNET) | Microcosmos The discovery of the little world, with the government thereof. / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 M87 1612 | The muses sacrifice | 1 |
PR2242.D19 T59 1620 | [Thy motto's lyke thy mind ...] | 1 |
PR2242 .D2 1773 | The poetical works of Sir John Davies, consisting of his poem on the immortality of the soul : The hymns of Astrea; and Orchestra, a poem on dancing, in a dialogue between Penelope and one of her wooers. All published from a corrected copy, formerly in the possession of W. Thompson of Queen's coll., Oxon. | 1 |
PR2242 .D2 1941 | The poems of Sir John Davies : reproduced in facsimile from the first editions in the Henry E. Huntington library and art gallery / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 A15 | The poems of Sir John Davies / | 2 |
PR2242.D2 A715 | Orchestra; or, A poem of dancing / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 A72 1733 | A poem on the immortality of the soul / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 E6 (INTERNET) | Epigrammes and elegies | 1 |
PR2242.D2 E65 1599 | Epigrammes and elegies | 1 |
PR2242.D2 H9 (INTERNET) | Hymnes of Astræa in acrosticke verse. | 1 |
PR2242.D2 (INTERNET) | The original, nature, and immortality of the soul a poem : with an introduction concerning humane knowledge / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 N6 (INTERNET) | Nosce teipsum this oracle expounded in two elegies, 1. Of humane knowledge, 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. | 1 |
PR2242.D2 N67 1599 | Nosce teipsum this oracle expounded in two elegies, 1. Of humane knowledge, 2. Of the soule of man, and the immortalitie thereof. | 2 |
PR2242.D2 O7 (INTERNET) | Orchestra, or, A poeme of dauncing Iudicially proouing the true obseruation of time and measure, in the authenticall and laudable vse of dauncing. | 1 |
PR2242.D2 S2 | Sir John Davies / | 3 |