Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2241 .D6 1623 | To immortalize the noble memorie of the right honourable young Lords Iames and Charles Egerton both vicounts of Brackley, both onely heires to the Earledome of Bridgwater, and both onely sonnes to that noble earle, by his gracious and princely ladie, Frances Countess of Bridgwater, a fruitfull branch of the ancient House of Darbie, and noble familie of the Spencers / | 1 |
PR2241.D8 C76 1639 | A crovvne for a conquerour; and Too late to call backe yesterday. Two poems, the one divine and the other morall. / | 1 |
PR2241 .M8 1965 | Musophilus : containing a general defense of all learning / | 1 |
PR2241 .P3 1969 | A panegyrike with a defence of ryme,(1603) | 1 |
PR2241.Z5 B7 1923 | Samuel Daniel : a critical study. | 1 |
PR2241.Z5 R4 | Samuel Daniel : a critical and biographical study. | 1 |
PR2241.Z5 S6 | Samuel Daniel, 1563-1619 : sa vie, son oeuvre. | 1 |
PR2242.D155 D3 | Delia / | 1 |
PR2242 .D19 1967 | The complete works of John Davies of Hereford (15..-1618) | 1 |
PR2242.D19 A12 | A selection from the poetry of Samuel Daniel & Michael Drayton / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 (INTERNET) |
Bien venv Great Britaines welcome to hir greate friendes, and deere brethren the Danes. The muses sacrifice Thy motto's lyke thy mind ... A scourge for paper-persecutors, or, Papers complaint, compil'd in ruthfull rimes, against the paper-spoylers of these times Humours heau'n on earth with the ciuile warres of death and fortune. As also the triumph of death: or, the picture of the plague, according to the life; as it was in anno Domini. 1603. / La picara, or, The triumphs of female subtilty display'd in the artifices and impostures of a beautiful woman, who trapann'd the most experienc'd rogues, and made all those unhappy who thought her handsome : originally a Spanish relation, enriched with three pleasant novels / Wittes pilgrimage, (by poeticall essaies) through a vvorld of amorous sonnets, soule-passions, and other passages, diuine, philosophicall, morall, poeticall, and politicall VVits bedlam ----vvhere is had, whipping-cheer, to cure the mad. The mvses-teares for the losse of their hope heroick and nere-too-mvch praised, Henry, Prince of Wales. &c. Together with times sobs for the vntimely death of his glory ... Consecrated to the high and mighty prince, Frederick the fift, Count-palatine of Rheyn. &c. Where-vnto is added, consolatory straines to wrest nature from her bent in immoderate mourning ... / The holy roode, or, Christs crosse containing Christ crucified, described in speaking-picture. / Mirum in modum A glimpse of Gods glorie and the soules shape. Yehovah Summa totalis, or, All in all, and, the same for euer, or, an Addition to Mirum in modum. / A select second husband for Sir Thomas Ouerburie's wife, now a matchlesse widow |
13 |
PR2242.D19 M4 1611 | Microcosmos. the discovery of the little world, with the government thereof / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 M5 (INTERNET) | Microcosmos The discovery of the little world, with the government thereof. / | 1 |
PR2242.D19 M87 1612 | The muses sacrifice | 1 |
PR2242.D19 T59 1620 | [Thy motto's lyke thy mind ...] | 1 |
PR2242 .D2 1773 | The poetical works of Sir John Davies, consisting of his poem on the immortality of the soul : The hymns of Astrea; and Orchestra, a poem on dancing, in a dialogue between Penelope and one of her wooers. All published from a corrected copy, formerly in the possession of W. Thompson of Queen's coll., Oxon. | 1 |
PR2242 .D2 1941 | The poems of Sir John Davies : reproduced in facsimile from the first editions in the Henry E. Huntington library and art gallery / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 A15 | The poems of Sir John Davies / | 2 |
PR2242.D2 A715 | Orchestra; or, A poem of dancing / | 1 |
PR2242.D2 A72 1733 | A poem on the immortality of the soul / | 1 |