Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2243.N4 (INTERNET) Nevves from Graues-end sent to nobody. 1
PR2243 .P5 1925 The plague pamphlets of Thomas Dekker / 1
PR2243 .R38 1609 The ravens almanacke foretelling of a [brace] plague, famine, and ciuill warre, that shall happen this present yeare 1609, not only within this kingdome of Great Britaine, but also in France, Germany, Spaine, and other parts of Christendome : with certaine remedies, rules, and receipts, how to preuent or at least to abate the edge of these vniuersall calamities. 1
PR2243 .S28 1602 Satiro--mastix. Or The vntrussing of the humorous poet. As it hath bin presented publikely, by the Right Honorable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants; and priuately, by the Children of Paules. / 1
PR2243 .S4 1922 The seven deadly sinnes of London / 2
PR2243 .W7 1603 1603. The vvonderfull yeare. Wherein is shewed the picture of London lying sicke of the Plague. .. 1
PR2243.Z5 W25 Thomas Dekker's pamphlets, 1603-1609, and Jacobean popular literature / 1
PR2244 .D2 1912 The works of Thomas Deloney / 1
PR2244 .D2 1961 Novels / 1
PR2244.D2 F57 1678 The first part of the pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft a discourse containing many matters of delight very plesant to read, shewing what famous men have been shoo-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality / 2
PR2244.D2 F57 1685 The first part of the pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft a discourse containing many matters of delight very pleasant to read, shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land with their worthy deeds and great hopitality, set forth with pictures and variety of wit and mirth, declaring the cause why it is called the gently-craft also, how the proverb first grew, A shooe-makers son is a prince born /
The first part of the pleasant and princely history of the gentle-craft a discourse containing many matters of delight very pleasant to read, shewing what famous men have been shooe-makers in time past in this land with their worthy deeds and great hopitality, set forth with pictures and variety of wit and mirth, declaring the cause why it is called the gentle-craft also, how the proverb first grew, A shooe-makers son is a prince born /
PR2244.D2 G37 The garland of good-will divided into three parts containing many pleasant songs and poems with a table to find the names of the songs / 1
PR2244.D2 G37 1628 The garland of good vvill. Diuided into three parts: containing many pleasant songs, and pretty poems, to sundry new notes. : With a table to find the names of all the songs. / 1
PR2244.D2 G37 1690 The garland of good-will divided into three parts : containing many pleasant songs and poems, with a table to find the names of the songs / 2
PR2244.D2 G37 1696 The garland of good-will divided into three parts, containing many pleasant songs and poems, with a table to find the names of the songs / 2
PR2244.D2 G4 2007 The gentle craft / 1
PR2244.D2 G46 1640 The gentle craft a discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read : shewing what famous men have been shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality : declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft, and also how the proverbe first grew, A shoomakers son is a prince born / 1
PR2244.D2 G46 1648 The gentle craft a discourse containing many matters of delight very plesant to read, shewing what famous men have been shoo-makers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality / 2
PR2244.D2 H66 1660 The honour of the gentle craft a discourse of mirth and wit to the renown of those two princes Crispine and Crispianus, and all the true lovers thereof : the last and best part being a most merry and pleasant history not altogether unprofitable, nor any way hurtful : and for the glory of the gentle craft, let all men say that a shoemakers son is a prince born / 1
PR2244.D2 (INTERNET) A most ioyfull songe made in the behalfe of all her Maiesties faithfull and louing subiects of the great ioy which was made in London at the taking of the late trayterous conspirators : to the tune of O man in desperation /
The noble acts newly found, of Arthur of the table round to the tune of Flying fame.
The royal garland of love and delight containing the lives of sundry kings, queens, and princes : with other love songs and sonnets full of delight /
The Spanish lady's love to a pleasant new tune, &c.
The lamentation of Mr. Pages wife of Plimouth who being forced to wed against her will, did consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge, for which fact they suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire : the tune is, Fortune my foe.
The gentle craft a discourse containing many matters of delight, very pleasant to be read : shewing what famous men have beene shoomakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality : declaring the cause why it is called the gentle craft : and also how the proverbe first grew; a shoemakers sonne is a prince borne. /
Thomas of Reading, or, The sixe worthy yeomen of the west
The pleasant historie of Iohn VVinchcomb in his yonguer [sic] yeares called Iack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and loue, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitalitie : and how hee set continually fiue hundred poore people at worke, to the great benefit of the common-wealth : now the tenth time imprinted /