Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PR2258 .N49 1961 | Michael Drayton and his circle. | 1 |
PR2259.D5 (INTERNET) | The pityfull histori[e] of two louing Italians, Gaulfrido and Barnardo le vayne, which ariued in the countrey of Grece in the time of the noble Emperoure Vaspasian | 1 |
PR2259.D5 P5 1570 | The pityfull histori[e] of two louing Italians, Gaulfrido and Barnardo le vayne, which ariued in the countrey of Grece in the time of the noble Emperoure Vaspasian | 1 |
PR2260 .A1 1614a | Poems [1614?] | 1 |
PR2260 .A1 1970 | The works. (1711.) / | 1 |
PR2260.A1 (INTERNET) | Poems | 1 |
PR2260.A5 K3 | The poetical works of William Drummond of Hawthornden, with À cypresse grove' / | 1 |
PR2260.A5 T7 | The poetical works of William Drummond of Hawthornden / | 1 |
PR2260.A5 W3 | The poems of William Drummond of Hawthornden / | 1 |
PR2261 .A1 1656 | Poems, by that most famous wit, William Drummond of Hawthornden | 2 |
Flovvres of Sion Poems |
2 |
PR2261 .P5 1659 | The most elegant and elabovrate [sic] poems of that great court-vvit, Mr William Drummond. Whose labours, both in verse and prose, being heretofore so precious to Prince Henry, and to K. Charles, shall live and flourish in all ages, whiles there are men to read them, or art & judgment to approve them. | 1 |
PR2262 .F5 1623 | Flowres of Sion | 1 |
PR2262.F6 (INTERNET) | Forth feasting A panegyricke to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. | 1 |
PR2262 .M5 1951 | A midnight's trance / | 1 |
PR2262 .P6 | Polemo-medinia inter Vitaruam & Nebernam. | 1 |
PR2262 .P65 1691 | Polemo-middinia carmen macaronicum / | 2 |
PR2262 .P65 1700 | Polemo-midinia inter Vitaruam & Nebernam. | 1 |
PR2262.P65 D78 1684 | Breviuscula, & compendiuscula, tellatio; de storia memorabili fechtæ mervelabilis quæ fuit inter Muckreillios, & Horsboyos, atque Ladæos, &c. In hoc libellulo, cujus inscriptio famosa hæc est, Polemo-medinia inter Vitarvam & Nebernam, placidè & jocosě tractatur. | 1 |
PR2262.T4 (INTERNET) | Teares on the death of Meliades | 1 |