Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2283.H2 (INTERNET) Newes out of Powles Churchyarde now newly renued and amplifyed according to the accidents of the present time, 1579 : and otherwise entituled, syr Nummus /
Of golds kingdome, and this vnhelping age Described in sundry poems intermixedly placed after certaine other poems of more speciall respect : and before the same is an oration or speech intended to haue bene deliuered by the author hereof vnto the Kings Maiesty.
PR2283.H3 A1 1968 The poetical works of Patrick Hannay. : MDCXXII. With a memoir of the author / 1
PR2283 .H7 1824 Satires / 1
PR2283.H7 A17 1949 Collected poems of Joseph Hall : Bishop of Exeter and Norwich / 1
PR2283.H7 (INTERNET) A letter lately sent by a reverend bishop from the tovver, to a private friend and by him thought fit to be published. 1
PR2283.H7 M8 1937 The discovery of a new world : (Mundus alter et idem) / 1
PR2283.H7 Z77 1982 Joseph Hall, a study in satire and meditation / 1
PR2283.H7 Z88 1979 Joseph Hall / 1
PR2283.H8 .H3 1622 A happy husband: or, Directions for a maide to chuse her mate. Together with A wives behaviour after mariage. / 1
PR2283 .H9 1971 John Harington of Stepney: Tudor gentleman; his life and works,
John Harington of Stepney : Tudor gentleman; his life and works /
PR2284.A1 1618 (INTERNET) The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington, Knight digested into foure bookes: three vvhereof neuer before published. 1
PR2284 .A4 1618a Epigrams, 1618. 1
PR2284 .A4 1926 The epigrams of Sir John Harington / 1
PR2284 .A4 1930 The letters and epigrams of Sir John Harington : together with The Prayse of private life / 1
PR2284 .A4 2009 The epigrams of Sir John Harington / 1
PR2284 .A4 2016 The epigrams of Sir John Harington / 1
PR2284.A5 (INTERNET) An anatomie of the metamorpho-sed Aiax Wherein by a tripartite method is plainly, openly, and demonstratiuely, declared, explaned, and eliquidated, by pen, plot, & precept, how vnsauerie places may be made sweet, noysome places made wholesome, filthy places made cleanly. Published for the common benefite of builders, house-keepers, and house-owners. / 1
PR2284 .A52 1596 An anatomie of the metamorpho-sed Aiax wherein by a tripertite method is plainly, openly, and demonstratiuely declared, explaned, and eliquidated, by pen, plot, and precept, how vnsauerie places may be made sweet, noysome places made wholesome, filthie places made cleanly : published for the common benefite of builders, house-keepers, and house-owners / 1
PR2284 .A66 1596 An apologie 1. Or rather a retractation, 2. Or rather a recantation, 3. Or rather a recapitulation, 4. Or rather a replication, 5. Or rather an examination, 6. Or rather an accusation, 7. Or rather an explication, 8. Or rather an exhortation, 9. Or rather a consideration, 10. Or rather a confirmation, 11. Or rather all of them, 12. Or rather none of them.
An apologie 1. Or rather a retractation [sic], 2. Or rather a recantation, 3. Or rather a recapitulation, 4. Or rather a replication, 5. Or rather an examination, 6. Or rather an accusation, 7. Or rather an explication, 8. Or rather an exhortation, 9. Or rather a consideration, 10. Or rather a confirmatio[n], 11. Or rather all of them, 12. Or rather none of them.
PR2284 .E64 1615 Epigrams both pleasant and serious, 1