Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2294.H6 (INTERNET) Poems on several choice and various subjects 1
PR2294.H6 O7 The life, letters, and writings of John Hoskyns, 1566-1638 / 1
PR2294.H7 A7 1906 Howell's Devises, 1581 / 1
PR2294.H7 D4 1906i Howell's devises, 1581 1
PR2294.H7 (INTERNET) H. His deuises, for his owne exercise, and his friends pleasure
The arbor of amitie wherin is comprised pleasant poëms and pretie poesies /
Newe sonets, and pretie pamphlets
PR2294.H7 N48 1575 [Newe sonets and pretie pamphlets] 1
PR2294.H74 (INTERNET) Egypts favorite The historie of Ioseph, divided into foure parts : 1. Iosephus in puteo : or, the vnfortunate brother. 2. Iosephus in gremio : or, the chaste courtier. 3. Iosephus in carcere : or, the innocent prisoner. 4. Iosephus in summo : or, the noble favorite. Together with old Israels progresse into the land of Goshen /
The deplorable life and death of Edward the Second, King of England Together with the downefall of the two vnfortunate fauorits, Gauestone and Spencer. Storied in an excellent poëm.
The historie of Edward the Second, surnamed Carnarvan, one of our English kings together with the fatall down-fall of his two vnfortunate favorites Gaveston and Spencer : now published by the author thereof, according to the true originall copie, and purged from those foule errors and corruptions, wherewith that Spurious and surreptitious peece, which lately came forth vnder the same tytle, was too much defiled and deformed ... /
PR2294 .H75 1620 Byd y bigail being the same in Welch, to a daintie new tune / 1
PR2294 .H75 1961 Poems / 1
PR2294.H75 (INTERNET) Haigh for Deuonshire a pleasant discourse of sixe gallant marchants of Deuonshire : their liues, aduentures and trauailes : with sundrie their rare showes and pastimes shewed before the King in Exeter : besides many pretie mery ieasts by them performed : as well in forraine countries, as in their owne : very delightfull for the reader / 1
PR2294 .H76 1629 The historie of Edward the Second, surnamed Carnarvan, one of our English kings together with the fatall down-fall of his two vnfortunate favorites Gaveston and Spencer : now published by the author thereof, according to the true originall copie, and purged from those foule errors and corruptions, wherewith that spurious and surreptitious peece, which lately came forth vnder the same tytle, was too much defiled and deformed : with the addition of some other observations both of vse and ornament / 1
PR2294.H76 A1 1997 The poetry of Henry Hughes / 1
PR2294.H77 (INTERNET) A mirrour of loue, which such light doth giue, that all men may learne, how to loue and liue 1
PR2294.H79 An edition of Miles Hogarde's 'A mirroure of myserie' 2
PR2294.H8 (INTERNET) Hymnes, or, Sacred songs wherein the right vse of poësie may be espied. / 1
PR2294.H83 (INTERNET) Daphn-Amaryllis 1
PR2294.H85 (INTERNET) A hyue full of hunnye contayning the firste booke of Moses, called Genesis / 1
PR2294.H87 (INTERNET) The blacke dogge of Newgate both pithie and profitable for all readers.
Luke Huttons lamentation which he wrote the day before his death, being condemned to be hanged at Yorke this last assises for his robberies and trespasses committed. To the tune of Wandering and wauering [...]
PR2294 .H9 1640 Luke Huttons lamentation: which he wrote the day before his death, being condemned to be hanged at Yorke for his robberies and trespasses committed there-about. To the tune of Wandring and wavering. 1
PR2294.H9 B4 1982 Bellum grammaticale sive nominum verborumque discordia civilis (printed 1635) / 1